Chapter 32

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I woke up at 3:30 AM the next morning, so I could be at the hospital in time to send Finn off for surgery. I didn't find myself in bed until near 11 last night, so I was pretty tired, fortunately, I wasn't asleep long enough to have a nightmare. I walked over to my suitcase and grabbed leggings and a sweatshirt. I had forgotten how much colder it was here than in California, so yesterday I was practically freezing. I put my hair in a braid, leading into a messy bun. I chose to go makeup free. Finn had told me he liked that. I wanted to keep it simple. I was staying at Finn's house and had decided to get ready the twins. Jessi had told me I didn't need to do that, but I enjoyed taking care of the twins. I felt they had grown up
so much in the last few weeks.
After getting the twins dressed, a carefully carried them downstairs, fearing a fall most of the way. I sat them both in high chairs and went to get their bottles. I was too scared about Finn to even think about eating.
I would never tell him this, but I really hoped the surgery was successful. Not just for him, but if we were together, I selfishly wanted him to able to walk, and coach our children's basketball team. Course if he was paralyzed, would we even be able to have children, or would we have to adopt. It's weird, growing up, I never wanted children, now I dreamed about two kids, a daughter- Hannah, and a son, Michael. We'd have a house in North Florida and take monthly trips to the beach. Since I had started dating Finn I had planned out my future with children, something I had never done before.
At about 4:15 we got in Finn's car, his dad driving while his mom riding shotgun. The twins were in the middle, making cute noises every few moments. Jason and I were in the back, Jason falling back asleep. I could tell Finn's emergency had taken quite a toll on him and he was probably done with it.
     When we got to the hospital, everyone remained silent. I had a feeling that would be this whole day, than I would go back to the place I'm forced to call my home known as California. Words can't describe my hatred towards it. We walked up to Finn's room, where he was lying quietly on his bed, his head turned slightly towards the tv which was playing today's news. I smiled at Finn, allowing his parents to go first, since I had got all of yesterday.
      It was nearing 5, meaning Finn's life could completely change. I didn't know all the risk with this surgery, and honestly I didn't want to know. Of course that's when the 'what if he doesn't make it out alive fear' occurs. Not that I thought that would happen, but with any procedure, it was an unfortunate possibility.
      After Finn talked with his parents for a minute, they left the room to give me some privacy with Finn. "Hi," he said smiling, carefully taking my hand, "I'll be alright."
      I nodded, tears starting to form in my eyes, "I love you, please be alright."
      "I love you too, and don't worry about me. The doctor took some new X-rays and said based on that the odds are even better,   Rey, please don't worry, I'll be alright." I nodded, whipping away the tears. I hated it when Finn saw me cry. I hated to show weakness to Finn, especially now, when he was in a place to be the vulnerable one. I was supposed to be a rock for him.
      A few minutes later a doctor came in, telling me that I had to leave, I looked over at Finn, who was being given a shot, "I love you," I said quietly as I walked out, Finn losing consciousness. "He'll be alright," I told myself, "it'll all work out." I went down to the waiting room and sat down in one of the hard plastic chairs beside Finn's family. I looked around, making sure it would be acceptable to get on my phone. Both of his parents were as well as Jason, so I'd assume it was.
      For the next few hours, everyone sat in near silence waiting for something on Finn. His surgery still had another hour left, and I was beginning to grow tired. I stood up from the painful chair, "I'm going to the cafeteria, does anyone else want anything?" I questioned, mainly just going for the coffee. Finn's parents both shook their heads, while Jason stood up enthusiastically. I'm guessing the teenage athlete in him needed some sort of movement before going crazy.
     We stayed pretty quiet, not knowing what to say to each other.
      "So are you excited for high school?" I asked.
      "Yeah. I'm hoping to make the soccer team."
      "So you play soccer? How's Finn feel about that?"
      "He was the one who got me into it. Back in elementary school, I played football, but I was the kicker. Finn told me I'd be better off in soccer that wasting my talent just to kick an occasion field goal. What are your college plans?"
"Same as your brother, only I'm majoring in journalism and minoring in drama. Finn last told me he hadn't decided yet, however it wasn't going to be either of those." I had just recently decided on the drama part, just a day ago to be exact, however with my Star Wars role, I wanted to learn at least something about acting. I'd say the likelihood of Finn ever taking any acting classes was slim to none, even if he was able to play my co-star.
    "What do you want?" I asked Jason as we started in the short cafeteria line.
    "I can just order myself," he replied, "I'm confusing." I nodded in understatement, as the beginning of the line drew nearer. I heard my phone buzz, immediately looking at the text, not knowing whether or not it would contain to Finn. On the top, I red Dad, and the following words would completely change my life. I just got a call from J.J. He wants to meet with us as well as Leia, Han, and their son Ben Tuesday in London. I got permission from the school for you to be absent. I'm flying to Nashville tonight and than we should be able to fly to England together. That work for you?
I stood in slight shock. I didn't expect this to happen so soon. Aside from that, I'd get out of school. Although used to I hated missing school, now that I hated it so much, I didn't mind it. I wrote Dad back, it working out that the moment I hit send, Jason had finished his order. I kept it healthy with a fruit cup, knowing that months of diet restrictions and training were to come and I would be smart to start now. Also that all the other hospital food was disgusting
"My brother really likes you," Jason said as we sat down, "I remember when he first met you, he referred to you as barista girl. You would not believe how much he talked about you while you were in the hospital, he kept calling himself stupid for not noticing the signs. He always tells me to look for a girl like you."
"Finn's a really smart guy. I don't know how he thinks that highly of me. But I'm sure he'd feel the same way if he found out what I thought of him."

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