Chapter 70

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That next morning I found myself hunched over the toilet again. I didn't feel at all sick, heck, with the exception of nausea, I felt perfectly fine. I rinsed out my mouth and went downstairs for water and more cookies, they seemed to be about all that sounded good again today.

"Are you ok?" My dad asked, pouring a cup of coffee.

I shook my head, "I threw up again this morning. I don't really feel sick, other then being nauseous.

"I have somewhat of an embarrassing question for you," I nodded, "on you and Finn's trip, did you have any special nights together?"

"Yeah," I said hesitant, "no," I suddenly felt something cross my mind, "no."

"I'll run you to the store. Hopefully it's not too busy yet."


"It's positive," I whispered as the final results came through.

"So?" Dad asked.

"Its positive," I said.

"Are you sure it wasn't a false positive?"

"All three of them were," I held back tears as my dad embraced me in a hug.

"I'm sorry, Rey, I wish I could help you."

"What am I supposed to do now?" I said with tears.

"I guess you need to make an appointment and find out what you can do to keep this one."

"I guess so," I said, "I can't loose another one."

"Your siblings may have some numbers. I can text them if you'd like."

"Yeah, please, I'd do it myself but I don't have their numbers. I don't think at least, I haven't talked to any of them much since Christmas a few years ago. I guess I just never felt enough like I was a part of the family to keep in touch. Sometimes I wonder if anyone other than Chelsea knows my birthday."

"I think she only knows it because your twins."

"I know, that's my point. Not that I blame them. I only know their birthdays because I was that obsessed with you as a young teen."

"I kinda have that influence on people," he joked, "anyway I'll text your siblings and let you know."

"Thanks again," I sighed, "and thanks for not being furious. I know some other people who would."

"Bring it in," Dad said, holding his arms out. I stepped closer, tightly hugging my father and holding in the rest of my tears.

"I love you Dad," I said, for probably the 5th time in my life.

"I love you too Rachel Lynn," he smiled as our hug ended and I went up to my room, where I continued to cry.

Finn deserved to know, but I didn't want to tell him for two main reasons. Reason one is that he probably hates me. Reason two is that I don't want to break his heart again if it doesn't work out. Plus, if this one worked out and Finn knew, I'd never get rid of him.


As I attempted to fall asleep that night, I looked down at my stomach. Although I wasn't even 100% positive I was pregnant, this time felt different from the rest.
I was half asleep when my phone rang. I saw Finn's name on the screen, answering with hesitation this time. If it was Harper I wanted to be there for her, I knew better than most people did about her problem.
"Rey?" Finn's voice said. I swallowed nervously, "I got a call from the Child Protection Service. Do you have an idea why?"

"Yesterday Harper called me;" I said, "she told me you were thinking about sending her back to Phasma. She told me Phasma abused her. I thought about some of the other thinks Harper had told me and it suddenly clicked. I know what she's going through and I knew I needed to help. I hope you're ok with that."

"You care way too much about her," Finn said, "after all that's happened, I don't deserve everything you do for Harper. You'd make a really good mother."

"Thanks," I breathed, a smile forming out of my lips. At this point, I was pretty close to telling Finn about the baby, our baby, but nothing was written in stone, and it wouldn't begin to be carved for another 40 weeks. I figured it would be best to wait until the chance of something going wrong was rare.

"Thanks again for all you've done for Harper. I'm glad she has someone like you to confide in and understands what she's going through."

"I hope it goes better this time around than it did with Plutt."

"We'll see," Finn started, "the CPS has done some investigations and a trial will be scheduled, hopefully sooner than later. I'd love it if you'd be able to come. If that's not too much."

"I'll let you know. I lov-" I cut myself off, realizing what I was about to say, "Have a nice evening."

"You too," Finn said, hanging up. I let out a sigh of relief. Although we hadn't addressed the problem at all, I was suddenly less angry with Finn. That's not to say I had completely forgiven him, nor did I want to get back together, but hearing is calm, sweet, and soothing voice reminded me of why I loved him to begin with. I pulled my hair in a loose ponytail tail and tucked a loose hair behind my ear, before falling asleep, dreaming about Finn. I went to sleep with a small smile, becoming more fine over the night.


Sorry for the late day update, I've been on vacation and have no concept of days of the week.

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