Chapter 35

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      I paced nervously around the room, realizing I'd see Kyle at the cast dinner. I thought about what I could do to make a point I was taken. I dug through my suitcase, hoping Dad had packed Finn's jacket. He had said on the flight, he had packed what he saw me commonly wearing, and Finn's jacket was a weekly, maybe even closer to daily, getup. "Found it," I said to myself quietly. I grabbed some leggings and a tee shirt, than walked over to the bathroom for a much needed shower.
I didn't bother to do my hair afterwards, wrapping it up in a towel unfollow if could dry enough for the three buns. As for makeup, I kept it natural with foundation and mascara. I didn't want Kyle to see me as pretty.
      I put on one tennis shoe, on the other foot I still had the boot, but hopefully only for one more week. I laid down on the bed, and opened my laptop to complete some of the assignments I had been sent. While doing research for English, the notification popped up across my screen- Finn would like to Skype you. I didn't think twice about accepting, however once Finn answered I wandered what to say. "Hi," I said nervously, "what's up?"
"The sky. That's about it here though." I laughed slightly.
"I know how you feel." Finn and I talked for nearly an hour, before Finn had to go due to a dying computer and nurse telling him he needed to go to bed. We said our good byes and hung up, promising to talk again soon. It was almost on a cue when the conjoined door opened, Kyle coming in excitedly.
      "Did you realize our rooms connected? I wanted to wait until you were off the phone, so I didn't intrude. I figure we should leave this door open and hang out. Oh and also I made this drink. You should totally try it!"
     "Is it alcoholic?" I asked cautiously looking at the fizzy beverage in the red cup."
     "No. Why would it matter? Do you not drink?"
     "I'm 16," I said nodding.
     "Than we'll just have to keep us a secret."
     "Us?" I questioned, my nerves and confusion making my mouth dry, me having no choice but to take a drink of the weird substance. I felt an erupting pain in my stomach, I immediately ran to the bathroom, sitting on my knees and pouring out my guts over the toilet. "What was in that drink?" I questioned, struggling to breath in between the puking.
"It's an avocado juice, as well as a homemade energ-" I cut him off.
"I'm allergic to avocado! Now can you please give me my phone and get out? You've given me enough trouble for one day." Without saying a word, Kyle gave me my phone and walked out without saying a word. I texted Dad telling him to come over, I would've called, but the avocado was begging to come into effect, making breaths few in far between. I heard the door open, Dad calling my name. I coughed, that being my only way of communication.
I type allergic reaction, cannot breathe, quickly, not even checking spelling. "Do you have an EpiPen or anything? Or should I just call an ambulance?" He asked quickly, unsure what to do. Top pocket carry on bag, than 911. Dad nodded, power walking to the second bed in which I had dumped all my luggage. He dug through the bag for a moment, handing me the device as soon as he found it, than calling medical attention. I went through the process, trying to regulate breathing as best as I could, the time I spent over the toilet finally decreasing.
"I'll excuse you from dinner tonight. Take a night to rest for the table read tomorrow. If you don't make it to that, I'd say you won't have a role much longer," Dad said as we returned from the hospital. I nodded, hoping Dad didn't notice the roses decorating the table. "I have to go get ready, here's 30 if you want dinner delivered. Call me if there's an emergency." I nodded again, grabbing the remote and getting in bed. It was only about 6, but it felt like something other than 6, I didn't know what through, considering I'd lived 3 timezones in the past week. The medication I had been given may have also had something to do with it. I only had to make it two more hours until I'd be able to consider it a somewhat normal bedtime. I wasn't exactly hungry after earlier, and I didn't know when I'd be again, however I knew it would be best for me to eat. I stood up and walked over to the desk, where the menus would likely be, stopping myself at the flowers.
Sorry I almost killed you-Kyle.
I stared at the note for a minute. It was pretty generic, but sweet. Not that I'd ever cheat on Finn, but if Finn was nonexistent, I don't think I'd mind this jerk so much. I opened up the hotel guide, where I'd be bound to find a restaurant near here that delivers. Nothing I read intrigued me in anyway, however after loosing the small amount of food I'd eaten, I was growing hungry, even though I didn't want to. I opened up a website for some local pizza place and looked at the prices. I decided it was my safest bet for satisfaction, and did the online order, not wanting to talk to anyone who's name didn't start with F and rhyme with Inn. Of course that was like the one person I couldn't speak to at the moment.
I decided to unpack, the OCD side of me not able to live out of a suitcase for at least the next week. Yeah, I had no idea how long I'd be here, all I knew was it would be a while based on the schedule Dad had given me along with the script.
March 15-Skywalker, Solo, and Crew dinner.
March 16-table read with Skywalker's and Solo's
March 17-training begins for new cast.
March 18-costume fittings.
The list went on all the way up to May 12, but it said more to be added. Of course this was all the stuff that came before filming, which didn't begin until mid June. At least Finn would likely be fine by May 10, which was casting for non Skywalker/Solo's. At least as of now, there was nothing on my birthday.

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