Chapter 7- Broken Friendship

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I got into the bathroom and locked myself in a stall; I pulled out the razor and rolled up my sleeves. I pressed it into my skin and closed my eyes, I felt the blood slip down my arm. Then I heard it,the small creak of the door.

" ok?" it was Amanda.

"Ya," I said slipping my razor into my pocket,"go back to class."

"Are you sure,"her voice questioning.

"Yes go,"I said as the door slammed shut once more.

I went over to the sink pulling the razor to rinse it off.

"Violet...what did you do?"her voice was quiet and quick.

I turned to see Amanda,her eyes darted to my arms. I quickly rolled my sleeves down.

"Amanda let me explain,"I said.

"Violet..why?"I looked to her as the tears began to fall.

"Don't cry...Ive done this before....I'm fine,"I go over pulling her into a lopsided hug.

Violet why...why," she drew in a shaking breathe.

"Amanda the thing is.."trying to find my words,"I was scared to tell you."

"I tell you everything and you lied to me, every thing you told me was a lie." She stormed out of the bathroom without  another word.

"Amanda I'm sorry I did it.... cause of him,"I said as she slammed the door and I stood there feeling the blood drip onto the white tiles.

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