Chapter 4

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~Emma's POV~

As soon as I got out of class, I put Marks number into my contacts. I texted him, just to give him my number and he texted back almost instantly.

Emma: Hi Mark. This is Emma. This is my number.

Mark: Thanks. Do you want to meet up for lunch?

Emma: Yeah, sure.

Mark: Where do you usually hang around?

Emma: Kielder. (A/N - All of the buildings in the school are named after a historical person or place. Kielder is the Music building.)

Mark: Who do you hang around with?

Emma: I don't hang around with anyone unless anyone in String Group is in Kielder, then I hang around with them...

Mark: What do you do there?

Emma: I usually just work on my compositions for String Group. James, Chris and I are working on a few compositions for the Easter and Summer concerts.

Mark: Who are James and Chris?

Emma: Oh, they're 2 Sixth Formers that are the leaders of String Group. James is 1st in charge, then Chris and then me but they're on a trip today, so I don't think there will be anyone in there really.

Mark: Oh. Okay. Should I meet you in Kielder at the start of lunch?

Emma: Yeah. That would work. See you then.

Mark: See you then. :)

~Mark's POV~

I was really excited to spend lunch with Emma. I am really starting to like her. We have so much in common. I want to know so much more about her, but I don't want to be pushy. I hate it when we are in different classes. I mean, we have the same lessons at the same time, so why can't we be in the same class as well? Oh well, you can't have everything I guess...

~Emma's POV~

I don't know why, but I get butterflies in my stomach everytime I speak to Mark. I'm gonna have to tell Mark about me sooner or later, and I have a feeling it's gonna start at lunch...

~Time Skip to Lunch~

As soon as I got out of class, I headed to Kielder. I love Kielder so much, which is why I spend so much time there. I am always playing my violin, and it's always so quiet, even when there are lots of people in there. The Sixth Formers always do stupid things, like there is a Ukulele hanging on the wall, and they always play cricket with it as a bat, and any sort of stationery that they can find as a ball. Just watching them makes me happy, because I can leave real life for a few minutes and just be happy. I wish my whole life was like that. Just happy...

~Mark's POV~

Emma was in her own world when I walked up to her. I didn't want to scare her so I said, "You have beautiful eyes you know. I love green eyes, they're always so pretty." She jumped a bit but replied with, "T...Thanks. You t...too. I have always w...wished I h...had brown e...eyes." I had really hoped that she would smile, but she stayed as blank faced as always. It makes me sad.

"So. What do you want to talk about?" I ask her.
"I'm n...not sure..."
"What about Music? I mean, we're in Kieler so..."
"Do you play anymore instruments other than the violin?"
"Yeah... I only get lessons for t...the violin but I can a...also play the guitar, piano, u...ukulele, trumpet etc. Name any i...instrument, I can p...probably play at least the C Major scale a...and the G Major scale o...on it."
"Wow. I wish I was that good as a musician. I can only play the trumpet, and only at Grade 6 for that matter."
"I'm technically only w...working at Grade 3 theory on Violin but String Group, we're playing songs Grade 5/6."

~Emma's POV~

"I was thinking about learning the violin, but I didn't think I would have been any good at it, so I decided to just stick to the trumpet." Mark tells me.
"Do you s...still want to play the violin?"
"I mean, sort of, yeah. I would be useless at it though..."
"I can teach if you would like. Again, I'm only technically Grade 3 but I could at l...least teach you t...the simple things."
"Yeah, that would be awesome! Thank you!"
"Do you want to up after school? If you're not busy I mean."
"Okay. I'm barely ever busy after school. I'll meet you here straight after school. Okay?"
"I have to go now. I have Band in five minutes, and I have to be in Fibonacci. (A/N Fibbonacci is the Drama room, but it is also the practice room for Brass Band, Woodwind and String Group) I'll text you later. Okay?"
"Yeah... B...Bye..." I was sort of sad that he had to leave, but I couldn't wait to meet up after school so he could start learning the violin. It's going to be so fun.

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