Chapter 7

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He grabbed the top of my arm and dragged me into the spare bedroom. He had set up a chair which had rope on the arms and legs of it and a large rope around the middle of the chair. He dragged me towards it and shoved me down into it. He tied the rope on my legs and around my waist and then my arms, in which the insides of my arms were facing up, and then grabbed a gag from the bedside table and tied it around my mouth. My heart was beating rapidly and my breathing rate had increased dramatically, which Master Henderson had noticed. He laughed and slowly said to me, " You're scared... You don't know what I'm going to do... I enjoy it so much more when you're scared..."

He went towards a large wooden box that was on the bed, and unlocked it. He opened it up and I could see the item that was on the top; it was a knife. He lifted the knife up and walked towards me, kneeling down just to the right of me. He slowly lowered his empty hand onto my arm, and then did the same to the hand that had the knife in it, and slowly sliced open my skin, across the whole of the inside of my arm, just above my wrist. Horizontal lines of blood showed up on my right arm as I screamed in pain. He laughed and laughed as he slowly got further up my arm. He was counting how many cuts he was making and he was cutting into my skin incredibly slowly, which made it ten times more painful.

Once he reached 20 cuts on my right arm he stood up and smiled. "Now for your left arm..." He repeated exactly what he did on my right arm and then stood up and placed the knife back into the box. I was screaming louder than ever, but it was all masked by the gag. I felt like I was going to pass out and could see pools of blood gathering around my feet. Master Henderson left the room and came back a few minutes later with lots of bandages. Just as he reached me, I passed out, but just before, I heard him say, "And that was for talking to that stupid boy. Stay away from him..."

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