•2. Sneaky

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I woke up to the sight of darkness. I looked over at my clock on the nightstand, and realized it was two in the morning! But my throat burned and I couldn't breathe out of my nostrils.


I sat up on my bed. What can I do? Brian cannot and will not find out.

I decided to go to the medicine cabinet and get some cold/cough syrup.

I would have to be as quiet as possible to make sure that I didn't wake Brian.
I tiptoed over to the kitchen and opened the medicine cabinet.
I began rummaging through the different bottles when I began a sneezing tantrum. I heard a noise and I turned my head and saw Brian standing at the doorway.
"What are you doing?", he asked with a suspicious look.
"I'm umm getting a snack!", I said wiping my nose with my shirt immediately regretting it afterwards.

"In the medicine cabinet?", he asked.

"What? Oh silly me.", I said closing the door.

I walked past him quickly but he caught my arm with a swift motion of his hand.

"Hey! Stop it", I said trying to release from his grasp.

"What's up with you? You're sick, aren't you?", he asked.

"Nothing Brian! Let me go!", I screamed.

He picked me up bridal style and walked up the stairs to his office while I whimpered with nervousness. I hated his office. He had an examination table there and all his, tools.
Including needles, and the other scary stuff, that I can care less about what they're called.

"Brian put me down", I scream.

He put me on the table and folded his arms.

"Not on the table! On the floor!!", I whined

"Katie! I've been a doctor for almost three years now! I think I can tell if my little sister isn't 100% healthy", he said putting his hands through his hair with frustration.

I frowned.

"Nothing is wrong. I don't know what you are talking about.", I said.

"Katie. Cut it out. Let me help you", He said with a worried look.

He grabbed his stethoscope.

"No!", I screamed with wide eyes.

I started crying and breathing heavily.

He immediately put his stethoscope down and hugged me.

"Katie, I would never do anything to hurt you. Ever! You have to understand that. I know you are afraid. But I can help you alright? Just calm down", he said.

Calm down? Yeah, that ain't happening.

I looked at him wanting none of this. He grabbed my hand and put it on his chest.

"Follow my breathing", he said.

I did as I was told, and finally calmed down. But there was no way he would examine me. NO. WAY.

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