*7. Dr.Katie

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I awoke and ran to Brian's room. He has jeans and a black shirt on.
"Wowww", I said.
"How do I look?", he asked.
"I rarely see you like this. You look cool!", I said.
"Here", he said handing me the purple scrubs and his lab coat.
I put them on and looked in the mirror. I don't look too bad. But oh god the smell of doctors lingered on it.
"You look so cute Katie", he said.

"Do I?", I asked.

"totally, now go do your hair and whatever haha. We are leaving in 10"., he said.
"Ok!", I said running to my room.
I did my hair and put some makeup on. Today was going to be fun. I would get to boss my brother around. Hehe I'm excited. I ran out to the kitchen where my brother was waiting with keys in hand.

"It's so weird not seeing you in scrubs!", I said giggling.

"Well it's weird seeing you in my clothes!", he said pinching my left cheek.

We got in the car and drove to the clinic.

We opened the door and it was practically empty.
"Everyone had a day off today", said Brian noticing my expression
"Oh", I said.
We walked into an examination room and Brian hopped onto the table.
"You know what to do? Right?", he asked.
"Yep. I have watched you and on tv as well", I said.
He nodded clearly pleased that I wasn't backing out of this.
I took the stethoscope from around my neck and saw that Brian was already lifting his shirt up.
"No. I want the glory of asking you to lift up your shirt",I whined.
He rolled his eyes. "Ok fine", he said holding in a laugh.
"Lift up your shirt please", I said with a smirk.
He smiled and obeyed. I put the stethoscope onto his chest and listened. This wasn't so bad after all.

He smiled. He noticed I wasn't getting nervous.
I moved towards his lungs. This was pretty awesome.
I took the earpieces out and put the stethoscope around my neck again.
I took the otoscope and checked his ears, nose, and mouth.
This was cool.
I checked his reflexes too.
"See it isn't so bad", said Brian.

"Yeah true, when it isn't being done on you", I said giggling.
Brian rolled his eyes.

"Ok we're done", said Brian hopping of the table.
"Oh no you aren't. I haven't checked your stomach yet", I said laughing.

"You have got to be kidding me!", he said.
"Nope hop back up", I said.
He obeyed and began laying down.
"Wait Brian you have to teach me!", I said. " I don't know how to do this!!!"

He got back up rolling his eyes. He lifted my shirt and pointed on my stomach where to press.
"Ok", I said nodding.

"He laid back down and lifted his shirt.
I began doing as he taught me.

"Ok now we're done", I said.

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