•4. The plan

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As soon as morning hit, Brian drove me to my friend's house, just as he said he would.
Not a word was said, silence drifted in the air.
"I'll pick you up after my shift", Brian said starting the car.
"Ok", I responded.
"How are you feeling? How is your cold?", he asked.
"Fine, I guess", I whimpered.
We arrived and I ran out.
I explained everything to Emily. At least she understands and doesn't make such a big deal.

After Brian's shift he came to pick me up, and he seemed to be in a better mood.

I got in the car nervously.
"Brian I'm sorry. What I said was wrong. I'm just really scared. I know you are just trying to help me, and I'm really sorry. I don't hate you, I love you", I said.
"Oh Katie bug, I'm sorry too.  I shouldn't have been so tough on you. I know you are afraid, it's just I don't know..strange for me I guess", he said.

We hugged. It's good to have my brother back.

"What if we go out for some ice cream?", he asked.

"Yes!", I said excitedly.

"Only if you're feeling better", he said.

"Yes I am. I really am", I said.

"Ok lets go then", he said starting the car.

We drove to our local Baskin Robbins. I got my favorite, chocolate with gummy bears.

Brian just got plain vanilla. He's crazy. I know he's a doctor and all, but he has to have some sweets every now and then. Healthy this, healthy that.

"That isn't good for you", Brian said raising an eyebrow at my scoop of awesomeness.

I rolled my eyes. "But it's yummy!", I said.

He laughed. Oh goodness, gotta love my brubber.

"Hey I was thinking..what if you come to work with me?", he asked.
Hah! In his dreams!!
"No way! I don't want a checkup!", I said.

"No you don't have to get one. Tomorrow I only have four patients, very easy day.  What if you come with me? You know, to see that doctors aren't scary", he said.
Maybe this is a good idea???
I hesitated before making a final decision.
"Umm yeah so guess so. But, umm being around medical equipment gets me nervous", I said.
"I will be there with you. And you aren't going to get looked at or anything", he said taking a bite of his ice cream.
"Umm o-okay", I answered uneasily.
Kind of regretting my decision.

"I have scrubs from when I first entered medical school. You would be my nurse. And as you know I have plenty of stethoscopes", he said.

"Really?", I asked.

"Yep! How does that sound. It might get you over your fear!", he said smiling. 

I nodded. Tomorrow was going to be fun. Being a nurse for a day? Hmm, didn't seem so bad. Right?

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