•5. Jobs

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In the morning, I awoke and made my bed. I ran over to my brother's room where he was putting his white lab coat on. Oof.
"God. I don't know if I can do it. Just seeing you in your uniform makes me uncomfortable!", I said.
"Just go put this on", he said handing me purple scrubs and a purple stethoscope.
I did as I was told and I walked out of the restroom.
"How do I look?", I asked.
"Awesome!", he said.
He finished doing his hair and grabbed his keys.
"Brian..I don't know if I can do this", I said.
"Yes you can. Look. Even under the lab coat it's still me! Your brother!", he said hugging me.
I hugged him back. He was right, he was still the same person, with and without his scrubs and coat. After a quick car ride,we arrived at his clinic. As soon as we stepped into the office, the staff started clapping.

Oh goodness, Brian must've told them about me. Well that's, embarrassing..

They told me I looked adorable in my big brother's clothes.

"Thanks", I said uneasily.

"Good news is that I only have two patients now. The other two cancelled.", Brain said looking through a clipboard. "Don't see these days often", he added.

"Umm ok. But Brian what do I do?", I asked looking around the empty office.

"Well..you call the patient out and bring them to the weight and height room. Nurse Angelica will be there. You have to write the info in their chart. But don't you worry, Angelica knows what to do", he replied.

"Okay", I said nodding my head.

"Our first patient is Annie", read Angelica.

"Ok I will go get her", I said walking out to the waiting room.

"Annie!", I called.

A young girl of only about 5 years got up and followed me.

"Hi", I said cheerfully. Gotta love children!

"Hello!", she said.

"Are you afraid?", I asked genuinely wanting to know the answer.

"Nope, why would I be?!?! Dr.Zeele is my friend!", she said happily.

Aww. This was too cute. But damn a 5 year old is better than me.
I led her to the room where Angelica waited.

Angelica instructed her what to do and Annie obeyed.
I winced. Just watching the medical "devices" made me gag. I turned around and threw up.

Angelica looked at me but picked up Annie and led her to another room.

My brother came running out. Here goes the brother mode.

"Katie, oh bug! Are you alright? Oh my baby", he asked with nervous eyes.

"Umm no I umm I can't do it. Just watching the medical stuff in use makes me sick", I said shutting my eyes.

Stupid fear! Ugh.

Brian grabbed tissues and wiped my mouth and called for the janitor.

He led me to the break room.

"I'm sorry", I said. " I failed you once more"

"No don't be sorry Katie. We tried but it's alright. No worries, it's okay! I have to go tend to Annie, but afterwards we'll chat, alright?", he said getting up.

"She isn't afraid", I whispered.

"No she isn't. She knows there's nothing to be afraid of. ", he said giving me a hug.

While Brian was with his patients, I just stayed in the break room on my phone.

After Brian was done we drove home and watched movies.

My Brother, My Fear Where stories live. Discover now