•8. Yay

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After examining my brother I took off the lab coat.
"You did great Katie", he said.
"Thanks", I said blushing.
"You should really become a doctor, you seem to enjoy it", he said.
"Nooo", I said nervously. Me, a doctor? Nuh uh.

"Do you think you are still afraid?", he asked.

"No. I feel a lot more relaxed, but I don't know", I said.

"Then hop up onto the table", he said hopping down.

"Brian..I don't know",I said feeling tears pool up in my eyes.

"Come on! I'll be gentle, I always am", Brian said.

I sighed but obeyed.

As i sat on the table, a few tears slid down my cheek. I allowed him to examine me and I went through the entire exam without a flinch. Well just a few tears.
"Wow. I did it!", I said.

He laughed. "Yes you did", he said hugging me.

We went home and watched movies. Maybe I should become a doctor. I don't know. I have plenty of time to think about that. I'm only in 8 grade.

I snuggled next to my brother. "I love you", I whispered.
"I love you too", he said.
The end. Hope you enjoyed! Please comment and vote. If you guys have any ideas for stories please message me!! If you would like me to read your book, comment down below!!! Thanks!!

Also i was thinking of making a sequel..
Like..when Katie is older? Comment on what you think!

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