Wet Plastic

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  Water spilled over white plastic as hands stuck up, poised with blood dripping down the wrists spilling into the water staining the tiles red. The still running taps kept the bath overflowing as bodies sunk to the bottom, face barely recognisable through the murky water and red sludge. Only black hair and pale wrists proof of body drowning in the waters. At first he screamed and struggled his body refusing to allow him to just drown. He knew that the razor blades might not finish the trick so the water was there to finish the job.

Maybe a part of him wanted to live otherwise he would have hung himself or jumped out of his flat window but his mental illness had consumed him and he didn't know how to live anymore. He felt trapped like he was drowning inside and maybe that's why he decided to drown himself. Or it could be completely unrelated, no one knew his motivation or why all they knew was that he had been in agony for years before this moment and yet no one had reached out to help him. So that's how he ended up with blood covered razor blades and soaked tiles at the bottom of a bathtub.

A rough hand grabbed his hair and pulled him out as he lay there gasping pleading to be thrust back under. When he opened his eyes he was shocked to see a stranger in his apartment. Black and white marching jacket covered in blood, his blood as he stood barefoot in the blood hands cold as a corpse with black lined eyes staring down at him.
"Is this what you've been reduced to James? Razor blades and bathtubs?" Still shuddering from the rush of water and the slit wrists he spoke quietly. "Who are you? Why are you here and how do you know me?" His words forceful as tried to push the mans hand off of his head still begging for him to let him go. The stranger just smiled and shook his head, black hair falling in his eyes.
"You want formalities? Alright my name was Frank and how I know you doesn't really matter now does it?" James settled as he stared up at him knowing exactly what he meant.

His eyes wide he asked Frank, "So then why are you here?" Frank just smiled still gripping his hair. "You have a decision to make James." James attempted to push his hands away once again until he resigned and gave his verdict. The stranger smiled as neighbours and landlords screamed at the door running into the bathroom, James' head already under the water as they ran through the empty room. They pulled his corpse from the water attempting CPR as he smiled and turned away with an arm around Frank and a black and white marching band jacket adorning his body and hiding his blood red wrists.

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