Train Tracks: Prequel

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Rain drizzled in the evening air solidifying the somber mood below as passerby's huddled past shops windows and down busy streets. One such man was adorned in a black suit, hair covering his eyes as he hung his head low. A group of young men across the street called out to him.
"What are you going to a funeral dressed like that?" He could hear their snickers as he walked past ignoring the men.
"I was talking to you, you emo faggot!" The man's head snapped upwards and his body twisted towards them. He had had enough of the abuse and finally snapped.
"Actually I just came from a funeral so I apologise if my attire is too bleak for you." The men looked around awkwardly trying to laugh it off when one made another jab.
"Oh yeah, was it your boyfriend you buried?" The men all laughed as they watched him state them down.
"It was my best friend and his brother you pricks!" The rain masking his tears he heard the men try to play it cool as bystanders stared in disgust at the men each one shaking their head at them and casting sympathetic looks towards him. As he stormed away he heard his phone ring.

"Hello?" He answered as a man spoke on the other line.
"Hi Frank, me and Bob are heading to a bar. You gonna join us?" Frank smiled slightly as he thought about drinking with the boys. That's when he remembered that Mikey and Gerard wouldn't be by his side. He answered deciding he needed this drink.
"Of course Ray, I'll see you soon just gonna catch a train." Frank hung up the phone and walked towards the station his suit soaked from the rain and black hair dripping down his face.

The warmth of the station did very little to soothe him as he walked through it and towards the tracks, plunging his body back into the cold as he waited for the train to arrive occasionally catching a stare aimed his way. All he wanted was to avoid conflict, especially after burying his best friends and having to watch their lifeless bodies be lowered into the dirt in black coffins buried side by side. The glassy eyes of Gerard's corpse and the white hands of Mikey still flashed before his eyes as the train approached, white lights blinding him in confusion as he was unable to determine which was the fiction of the day's events and which was the reality of the train station.

With the sounds of squealing wheels he found himself on the tracks. Frank was unsure whether he had jumped or simply fell but in the end it never really mattered to him, the train was still approaching far quicker than he could climb out. He had broken his leg on the tracks and lay there staring up at the sky as he heard the train approach. The only sound that stirred him from his resignation of his fate was a soft gasp nearby no doubt on the tracks with him. Surprised he angled his head to see someone standing beside him, someone he recognised instantly. His name sounded alien on Frank's tongue as he looked up at the man's white hair only whispering,
"Gerard..." He could see tears in his companions eyes as he noticed the strange black and white jacket on his chest, a chest he could have sworn he buried in the dirt only hours prior.

Tears stinging his eyes Frank reached up for Gerard, afraid to touch him in case this was all a dream and he would disappear as soon as he reached out. Instead he kneeled beside him and clutched his cold hands around Franks as he whispered in his ear.
"I'm here now Frank, and I'm not leaving until the end. I promise I'm not leaving again unless you come with me. Please Frank, you have no where to go." Tears slipped down his cheeks as Frank watched the train approach. He wasn't afraid of death, he was afraid of losing Gerard again. Knowing what he had to do he clasped onto Gerard's sleeve and shut his eyes as the blinding lights of the train approached them with his hand wrapped around Gerard's as he whispered, "Together."

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