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Word count: 1152

my alarm clock went off I snozzed it sowly getting up i heard the rain
Drip.. drop.. plop..drip
.i just stood looking at my room soon i'd have to move away from it. I sighed as i went downstairs to find my romate phill already dressed and ready to go. I relized i was starting to stare as he said something "dan? DAN"
"Uh?" I said now looking in his eyes
They where so beautiful they color so vibert and lustfull.
"Stop staring at me! Go get dressed and get ready!" Phill never really liked me. I like him though i like him alot. I got ready for school grabbing my bag And one of phills coats. I got down stairs in time for breakfast. I saw phill smirking at me wearing his coat he looked away tho and i mumbled. "Whos the one staring now phill." He looked at me hearing his name my cheeks turning bright red.
"What?" He said hiding a smile.

"Oh u-um no-nothing" I said fidigiting with my fingers. After we ate breakfast in silence we headed out for school. Locking the door I thought about phill. Phill could always be a little harsh on me but he also knew what to do when i was sad. I turned around to see a smiling phill in our driveway. Phill never really smiled at me unless he was drunk. When he was drunk he always said things to me i hated it because it was never true. The black haird boy motion for us to walk so we did. We walked in silence but it was peaceful silence. I heard a little sigh from phill "dan i can trust you right, i mean i know you never liked me and everything because i dont really like you ethier but i can trust you" he hesitated before saying the rest "right?" He looked up at me with those beautiful blue eyes
"Of course you can Phil" I smiled at him just a small smile. He smiled back but i heard his words in my head again "I don't really like you". Those words kept repeating in my head untill he finally sopke again.

"Okay well i u-uhm i don't like girls oh and i really like this guy at school but i pretend i don't but he's really nice and he's so beautiful it's outstanding he doesn't really talk to me unless he has to he's really shy and he has the most perfect brow-" I looked at him shocked was he talking about me no thats crazy. I sighed and i hear phill speaking again.

"Dan..who do you like?" My heart beating faster and faster.

"Well i like this boy he's been my friend for years and he's really cool and beautiful sometimes when he smiles at me I have the most stupid smile plastered across my face he's the one i wanna grow old with do everything with but most of all i wanna call him mine." Phil looked at me confused for some reason. Then he walked faster then me i didn't know why but he just did. I didn't take a chance of bothering him so i just wallked a couple feet behinde him. We finally got to school i heard phil shout.
"Dan wait up!" I stoped in my tracks and waited for the black haird boy a small smild plasterd on my lips. He walked with me to our first class. We walked to every class together we just talked and laughed. He even wallked me to my art club/class thing. It was like he wanted to be nice to me again.
It was like he was mine. He smiled at me as we got closer to my art class.

"See you at home danny boy"

"I- phil! Don't call me that" i playfully punched his arm as my face was bright red.

"Okay okay i won't anyway I'll leave the door unlocked so just come in we you get out of class"

"Okay bye phil" i love you i added on in my head. I smiled like a goofball. As i went into my art class. It was free day so i pantied a picture of phil and me holding hands. The girl next to me whisperd softly to her friend but i could still hear her.

"Look at him Lexi he's a gaybe" she giggled

"Yeh.. wait isn't that phil Lester.. your boyfriend?" The girl named zoe looked at my paintin. Then she became angry.

"Is he really cheating on me with the inscer boy that doesn't say anything to anyone" her voice now at a normal volume then the brownd her girl named Lexi shouted.

"HEY GUYS PHIL LESTER AND DAN HOWELL ARE DATING ISN'T THAT FUNNY" my checks turnning different shades of red then i spoke up.

"Yeh so what if we might be dating at least we would be happy and accept eachother who are you to say that someone can't go out with another person huh? Your just a girl who wants to make people feel bad. And you know what maybe i like phil no scratch that maybe i love phil with all my heart with all my everything mabye just mabye i want to scream to the world that he's mine." I said as both Lexi and zoe had a look of defeat on each other's faces. The rest of the art class speachless my teacher looking at me astonishment. After class was over a kid with light brown hair skinny jeans and a sleeveless tee walked over to me and said.

"H-how'd you do that?" I stared at him with confusion.

"How'd i do what?"

"How'd you just talk like that with not a hint of fear in your voice?.."

"Oh.. trust me i had fear i just wasn't about to let those girls see it but mainly i just spoke from the heart.. uh anyway i gotta go bye" I said as he waved bye to me.I started walking to mine and phils apartment thinking abouf every thing i said. All i could do was smile. Little did i know phil had heard every bit of what i said in class.

So uhm that was a nice chapter right? xD i mean go dan at the end i dont know why at 00:35 am im writing a phanfic but i am.. anyways hope you guys liked it im not used to writing phanfics so pls dont be mean to meh frens im just as fragile as dan is bye oh and next chapter will be in phils pov ALSO I KNOW I WROTE PHILS NAME WRONG A COUPLE OF TIMES IM SO SORRY AGAIN PLS NO TRIGGERED PEOPLE BUT IF YOU ARE STILL TRIGGERD I WILL FIGHT YOU BOI


Bye tho xD

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