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"Ugh who is it?" I heard dans voice near the telephone i was still half asleep.

"Danny who is it?" I asked looking up at dan who had big eyes with tears in them. I got up and walked up to him. "Dan.. w-who is it?" I asked once more as he dropped the phone on the floor.
I of course hugged him so tight.. because i love him..

"We we have to leave phil we gotta go she's gone he's here we have to We Have to." He said scared and sadly.  As i just petted his hair. And then i heard a scream..

I woke up in my bed next to dan. The phone was still on the table. 'Was it just a dream..? But what did it mean..?' i thought. "Dan? Hey get up its nine" i said as he  mumbled something "what? Ugh.. dan get up."

"Fine whatever mom" he said in a mockingly way sitting up on the bed. I looked at him annoyingly. 

"Daniel i am not your mum now get up!" i said in a jokingly way as he giggled and sat up on the bed. "So pancakes?" i said gazing at him 'fuck he's beautiful'. He nodded and got up to go in the shower.

I was reading the pancake ingredients and i looked left to me. 'Hm?' 'What's this?'

Im sorry, phil.
It be- oh..
Oh no
Please dan no

Short as all hell i know, im sorry i feel bad enough for neglecting this book. I feel bad like i left my child alone. I'm so sorry im so freaking sorry. I know im a worthless piece of trash but please enjoy this bad trash. Im sorry ;;::Sam Out::;;

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