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Word count:642
((Finally an update I've been very busy sorry <3
Someone was violently shaking him "Dan?" The voice asked in a questioning tone. "DAN GET UP" it shouted at me. My eyes snaped open to see a lovely phil holding me up. "School time" he mumbled to me. He appeared to be dressed already. But so did I... I looked up at him tilting my head in a questioning way. Phil had a small smirk firm on his lips as I registered what happened my cheeks turned a shade of crimson.
"P-phil I could have gotten d-dressed myself.." I stuttered out. He laughed in response picking me up. He sat me down and grabed our back packs. Walking
To school.
"Ugh this is awfullll I hate school" I whined to phil he just laughed in response. I stared at him with my mad face. "It's not funny" I mumbled.

"Awww your so cute mad Danny." He said smiling as my face turned a shade of crimson

"Shut it' I said in a flustered tone. As he just continued on to school. ((A/n I'm going to go rn lol))

"Dan baby I love you.. look at me" and so I did.. but with the most surprised face. 'D-did he just call me baby?!' I thought to myself as looked me straight in the eyes "dan I love you okay? Okay baby?" That word.. it made me feel special for some reason.

"Y-yeh okay phil I love you to" I stuttered out as awkwardly as I possibly could. He just grabed my hand as we walked into the school.

"Watch this"he whispered with a wink. 'Oh god this is gonna be bad' I thought as phil climb on the desk of our attendance manger. He looked at me one more time before speaking.

"LISTEN UP EVERYONE. " phil shouted of course the most popular guy in school got every ones attention "DAN HOWELL IS MY BOYFRIEND.  MESS WITH HIM YOU'RE LIFE JUST GOT WORSE. IF YOU EVEN DARE FLIRT WITH HIM ILL GIVE YOU HELL. UNDERSTAND EVERY ONE? HM? OKAY GOOD." He said jumping off the table.  As I was about to say something about him getting expelled he gave me a long kiss as we went to arts

((Time skip..))
"Dan howell and phil Lester come to the office now."
We heard over the intercom. All the kids went 'ohh' and 'haha youre in trouble' of course we were. I met phil outside my class room.

"Lets book it." He said as I gave him an I Dont think so/ unsure face. "Dan. It'll be fun baby" he said as the teacher opend the door. Of course me and phil ran so fast we were onto the pavement of the school by now.
We were both out of breath. I looked up just to see phil burst out laughing. "Dan we did it!" He said happily.

"Yeh" I said between breaths.  "We did.. we sure did phil.. AND NOW we go get donuts" I said with a smile in my face as he nodded in agreement.

"Yes lets go get donuts" he said as we walked away.

Y a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a y
Fith teen reads :o im so happy thank you all S O S O S O SO SO SO SO SO S S S S S O O O O O
MUCH! It makes me so very very HAPPY.  TO KNOW people read my books. Im not very a experinced writer so yeh... thanks tho it rlly does make me happ :3 by the way this is short D: sorry about that. But really



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