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Word count:588

"Did you hear 'em phil?" My friend zoe said happy for me. Whenever i had a crush zoe pretend to be my girlfriend to get them to confess. I was a smiling mess.

"He said he loved me zoe! I can't believe it!" I said happily i heard faint footsteps and a door opening it had to be dan.

"Uh.. gotta go zoe bye!"

"Bye phil have a good time with your boyf-" I hung up begore she could say anything else. I smiled as i saw his brown eyes lay over at me. Our eyes locking.

"W-who was that on the phone? She sounded familiar"

"Oh it was just someone from school.. here i made pa-" phil could see dan smile from ear to ear.

"YOU MADE PANCAKES!" "OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU" I looked at him slightly shocked but i relized what he ment. I smiled reaping his words maybe i wanna scream to the word he's mine, i love him. I walked over to dan and placed my hands on his slightly tanned shoulders. Dan jumped at my actions but soon got calm as i rubbed his shoulders.
"Dan.." he turned around to face me. His cheeks where a shade of red. He looked so cute..
"Y-yes phil?.."

"I heard what you said.."

"Wh-what you he-heard it a-all?"

"Yes and disagree my pancakes are the best!" I said laughing as dan sighed with relief.

"Well they pretty good"

"Pretty good? They're amazing" i scoffed jokingly.

"Okay they're the best I've eaten." He said with a look of defeat on his face.

"Im going out tonight so just do whatever I'll be back around 11 or s-"

"Just don't drink phil" i bit my lip and nodded. Me and dan didn't really do much we just watched tv until i left"
"Im heading out now dan" i spoke loudish so dan could hear me before i got the door fully closed i heard.
"Just please don't drink." He pleaded i knew i couldn't keep from doing but i lied anyway
"Okay i won't" i called from the now closed door. I went to this party zoe texted me about. I heard a muffled sound from my found and clicked on the notification on messanger.

Zoester: hey phil im not gonna be able to make it but lex will be at the party

PhilHowell: yeh okay whats wrong?

Zoester: nothing really just thinking about this boy

PhilHowell: what boy?

Zoester is typing ...

Zoester: Justin Bieber now go have fun at that party

I closed my phone slightly laughing at zoes text. I was thinking about a boy too one that i wanted to kiss forever.
It took forever to find lex. She was passed out on a couch near the tv. Truth be told i didn't wanna be here but eh. I took a few drinks and.. BAM i was out cold i dont really remember what happed that night. But it was a great night.

A/n okay okay im probably not the frirst to say buuuut... i like writing in dans pov better. Dont kill me please or do ya know like idk but uh yeh this is a bad chapter and im so sorry because its really short but i do hope you at least kinda like it thanks frens. ((hI its me sam here just saying past me should get his shit  right because i freAKIN LOVE PHILS POV LIK EEEEK okay bye))

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