
15 4 1

::Trigger Waring swear words.::
;;Also im writing a new phanfic;;
::Word Count| (946) ::
;;Song|Goner By Twenty Øne Pilots;
::P.o.V Gre's |Plot twist?|::

Dan was sitting in the bath as i was talking to a boy i came here with.
"Eth i don't know what to do" Ethan just stared at me my hole body shaking. Tears threatening to spill out.  As eathn rubbed my back-
"BOYS" my eyes shot up to see a lady sitting across from us "no touching!" She yelled and me and ethan. I definitely needed someone screaming at me in the fucking mental ward.
I mumbled something. She'd scoff "im sorry what was that, sir" she say with irritation.
I coughed and cleared my throat. I looked at ethan with a evil smirk.
"McSxcuse me miss fucking perfect i said, how about you go touch yourself in the closet because we all know you can't get active sex. Because you work at a mental ward but your the one who needs to be in one. Now how about you move your fat ass along into a doctor's office and get an appointment because we all can see the horrific rash on your arse. Oh and don't forget no touching so you cant touch me, mcdonaldsfucket" her eyes got wide as i left in rage. I forgot dan was in the bathroom as i bugged in. I saw him cutting the blood dripping. "dAN what the fuck?!" I said. Still inraged by miss McDonalds i felt my hand do somthing i never wanted to happen.
;;Daniel's P.o.V;;
;;T R I G G E R.W A R N I N G;;

I felt a cold blast as i rocked back into the water. I felt the water hug me taking me into its warmth. The last thing i heard was a ring then my name.

I felt a cold blast of air as i awoke. White surrounding me. No noise no people no things no colour. Only blankness. Is this it? Im i dead? I thought to myself. No no i can't be i have to stay here for phil for ph-
I heard someone crying. Gre. "Dan im sorry please wake up." Im asleep? I heard a loud beep. "No dan please no!" I heard more sobs. They grew silent as i drifted off. Out of consciousness.

::Sorry i keep switching povs::
;;3rd point of veiw.;;
Daniel Howell was declared dead on apirl seventh, twothousand seventeen. Gre was sitting on his bed. Gre was at home gre couldn't take daniels death. He blames himself everday. The cause of death was not having enough oxygen. His lungs wouldn't work right. Gre knew dan had two months or- one month. But he killed phil best friend. He did! Gre killed dan. He made it painful. He was just mad at everything. Ethan stopped seeing gre. Ethan didn't even let him vist at the ward while he was awake. Gre blames that women who made him mad that day. He had turned into his family. He had killed a person. Gre deserves to die.  He deserved to be hit and cut to be beaten to be starved. Gre looked out his window he was on the highest floor of his apartments.
Gre slowly walked up to the window. He quickly grabbed a paper and pen.
: im sorry. I dont know who im saying that to. Maybe phil lester. Maybe me? Maybe im sorry because i killed daniel howell and im killing myself maybe im sorry because a young boy was never aloud to live his life. Im sorry to ethan too. My roommate ethan i loved you. Im sorry that i won't be here when comeback im sorry im leaving you all alone. Now i must go i have no more room to wr- :
Gre set the pen down on the table and took a deep sigh as looked out the window. The cold breeze hit his legs as he sat on the ledge. 'Am i really doing this?' Gre thought for a moment he shouldn't do it. But then Dan came back to mind a life for a life.
"Lets hope, no one ever forgets us dan" gre said as he shakily stood up on the small ledge. One foot was in the air. He simply walked off the ledge. "Im sorry" he said before he hit the ground. Crunch his bones went gre was dead. As so was dan. Women men and children screamed at the horrifc seen.
Gre Foley was declared dead apirl sixteenth two-thousand seventeen.  Nine days after Daniel howell died.
Phil lester was declared awake after Gre Foley died some say that when Gre Foley died Phil Lester awoke because Gre Foley gave him life.

Oh god. This one got me guys. Bring tissues for the next one. Im sad to say next chapter is the last one for this book. I haven't quite figured out how to make the sequel but ima do it!
Vote on the title for it in the comments please thanks!
; Gon-er ;
: In a nother life | A phanfic :
; In this universe | A phanfic :
BLEH thanks guys.
Love ya!
As always follow

♡Peace peace guys♡
Media: feel free to follow these or text me on skype/dm me on instagram or here about any questions or anything i guess.

•Endxhh- this is leas acc but eh. -



Musical.ly -??-

1::2::3::4::5:!Sam Out!:6::7::8::9::10

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