°○E G H I T○°

48 6 6

::;;Word Count  (564);;::
;;::Still Daniels PoV::;;

Has it stopped yet?
I asked myself in my head.
"I really hope it has dan."
I sighed

"Yeah me t- wait who the fu-"
I looked at the creation in horror
It was me but
Not me.

It had smoky hair.
Soulless black eyes.
It wore a black jumper.
With jeans.
But it looked terrifyin.
It's soulless eyes stared at my
Equally depressed eyes.
"So dan, do you miss phil?"
"Yeah i d-"
"Did you want to die?"
"Well i jus-"
"It's your fault phils sad dan."
"But i didn't me-"
"Your Fault."
"It always will be dan.
"You're just a freak dan."
"No one loved you anyway."
"No one."
Then just like that he was gone.
I was crying on the floor.
I hate this more than life.
I'm so sorry phil.
I didn't mean it.
I love you phil.

"I love you too dan."

I smiled.
What the hell
I shouted desperately into the darkness.
No answer.
Well that figures.

I sighed and laid back on the floor.
Right now it's best to stay positive.
I laughed at that.
You expect me to stay positive?
Im trapped in my inner hell.
Im scared.
Im depressed.
Im anxious.
Im just T-E-R-R-I-F-I-E-D
(A/N Im so mean xD <:)

I want to be done.
I want this to be
Over with
I just want to be in phils arms.
I miss him alot.
"I miss you Phil"

;;;:Philips PoV (Finally.):;;;
"I miss you phil."

"Yeah, i miss you too da-"
Wait what.
I stared down at dan.
He's still asleep right?
I need sleep.
But i can't leave dan.
I won't leave dan.

"DAN? Dan wake up! Come on dan fight this! I know you can just wake up"
I started bursting out into tears.
Im sobbing.
Im cold.
Im tired.
Im hungry.
Im hurt.
Im depressed.
Im scared.
Im confused.
But most of all
Im just lonely.

"Please dan.. please."

:::; Daniels PoV (sorrrrrrry) ;:::

"Please dan.. please"

The hell.
Where's phil?
How did i hear that?
Am i awake
Jesues im confused.
I miss you phil

"I'm so sorry."

"I am too dan. i am too."

Hayo ma doods so im looking
To continueing this story.
It's my most read.
I am very thankful for that.
I just thought it would get maybe 15
But here i am almost or already
200 reads. I really do have to thank
You all. I love this story so much.
I can express all my anger,depression,anxiety ect..
But really thank you all.
You've all made my days better.
A big thanks to
For being here i love you c:
Thanks for being a great best fren.
Your words of kindness means more to me than someone hugging me.
Also i like you better than tacos.
Anyway i love you guys.
Peace peace stay street ma doods c:
1::2::3::4::5::-Sam Out!-::6::7::8::9
•Endxhh- this is leas acc but eh. -



Musical.ly -??-


•uhh i think its EllaIsNotOnFire

;- ; that is secret

Uhm i don't think i have
Anymore medias xD

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