Chapter 54

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Chapter song: "Dangerous Woman" by Ariana Grande

Something 'bout you makes me feel like a dangerous woman. Makes me wanna do things that I shouldn't.

After taking a shower, I roamed the walk-in closet, finding something to wear. It was all the same, looking through the hundreds of clothes in here. I wanted a different look. Something that didn't come from these clothes of Henry's choice.

A knock came at my door. Already knowing who it was, I decided to make him wait a few moments hoping to irritate him. I've never made him wait for me before.

After pointlessly sitting on the bed, staring at my nail beds for a few minutes, I went to open it. Henry was standing there, waiting patiently for me. Not one trace of annoyance on his face.

I opened the door wider for him. "What is it? You have another request for me?"

Before Henry could answer, I walked back into the closet to continue what I was doing.

Henry followed me and leaned one side into the closet door. "I forgot to give you this earlier."

I stopped and glowered at him when I saw in his hands was a brand, new iPhone. I had momentarily forgotten I threw my phone away. I didn't want to remember the reason why.

I walked over to where he stood and took the new phone from him, carefully making sure I didn't lay a finger on him. "Thank you."

"I had it backed up with all your data from your old one," Henry said.

"Thank you again, but you didn't have to," I said, carelessly throwing the phone onto the white ottoman in the center of the room. I wondered if he put some of kind tracking in it again.

"The ceremony starts at three. Would you like me to accompany you to the salon?"

"No, you don't have to. I don't want to go to the ceremony. I'll just go the reception later. Just pick me up at five then -- at the salon."

"I will be there," Henry smiled and closed the door behind him to give me some privacy.

Going to the ceremony and seeing them make their vows, promising themselves to each other, is too much to bare. I didn't think I could handle it, especially with Henry sitting next to me.


"Good day, Mrs. Cavill. I haven't seen you in such a long time. How are you?" Cynthia greeted me as I walked through the doors.

"I'm doing good," I replied. "How are you, Cynthia?"

"I'm well. What brings you in today?" She asked as we were walking to the back.

"Oh, you know, the same old thing." I handed my jacket to another lady and sat on the leather chair at Cynthia's station. "I have a wedding to go to later tonight."

"How lovely and fun! May I ask whose wedding it is for?"

"A friend of Henry's. Her name's Evelyn."

"Evelyn Sinclair?"

"Yes, that's her. Do you know her?"

"Ms. Sinclair comes in here for many appointments. Her and her sister. Let's just say they aren't easy."

"I'm not surprised."

"What kind of look are we going for tonight, dear?" Cynthia asked as she played with bits of my hair.

I stared at myself in the mirror, no longer recognizing the girl who stared back. Now that I think about it, this is the first time where I really looked at myself in the mirror since I've lost Baby Kale. The circles under her eyes were darker. The color of her face was paler. The brightness in her eyes were now dull. She looked so tired and so lost. So broken.

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