Chapter 3

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"Miss, would you like something to drink?"

"Sure, I'll have a Dr.Pepper," I replied. Just then the plane hit some turbulence and the flight attendant somehow, miraculously, managed to keep her balance; I could never get used to flying. I wasn't even sure how I would survive the next few hours.


Finally, we landed at the airport and I got to leave that hellhole, I mean airplane. I quickly walked to the baggage claim. Then, I found a man holding a sign with my last name on it.

"Hello miss, I'm here to take you to your flat."

"Okay, that sounds great," I replied as the man grabbed my luggage. The drive to my house was pretty silent, because I was just too busy taking in my surroundings. London truly was a beautiful city. When I was younger I never dreamed of moving to England when I grew up, but I was really glad I had ended up there.

Once we got to the building where I would be staying I was blown away; it was way fancier than I ever dreamed, and also functioned as a hotel. Even though everything was very fancy I would've traded it all a second if I could just have my parents back. It just felt wrong to use any of the money they had left me.

I quickly got out of the car, and went into the lobby where the lady gave me my key. As soon as I got into my new apartment I sat on the floor, and began to sob. There was a voice in my head that kept telling me that moving was a mistake, and that I should've just stayed in the US. Suddenly there was a gentle knocking at the door, and I stood up to answer it. Looking back, I probably looked pretty stupid because I was in a pair of oversized sweats and my mascara was smeared , but oh well I can't change that now. The girl standing on the other side of the door looked like a model and had beautiful brown hair.

"Hey I'm Eleanor. I live just down the hall, and I thought I heard crying so I came to see if you're okay."

"I'm April, thank you for coming to see if I was alright. Would you like to come in?"

"Sure, I don't have anything else to do," she replied. As we walked through the flat I noticed, for the first time how beautiful it was. We soon found what I assumed to be the living room and sat down on the large leather sofa.

"Do you mind if I ask you something?" Eleanor questioned.

"Nah, I don't mind."

"Why were you crying?"

"I miss my parents," I said quietly as I stared at my lap.

"That's nothing to be ashamed of. I'm pretty sure everyone misses their parents when they first move out,"she remarked sweetly.

"But I didn't just move out," I stated as more tears welled up in my eyes.

"Aww what happened?" Eleanor asked as she scooted over on the couch in order to hug me.

"They died," I choked out between sobs. The next thirty minutes Eleanor sat on the couch comforting me.

"This is so embarrassing,I'm sorry I broke down in front of you. I'm not normally like this," I said once I was finally calm.

"Don't be embarrassed everyone needs to cry sometimes, and I'm glad I could be here for you."

"Thanks, do you maybe want to watch a movie and order take out?"

"That sounds like fun," she replied.

The rest of the night passed by pretty quickly, and Eleanor ended up sleeping over. Since I hadn't really explored the flat yet, we just slept on the huge sofa in the living room. I felt like I had learned a bit about Eleanor; like how she lived with her boyfriend just down the hall, but he was away on business a lot of the time. I also learned that some of her boyfriend's friends also lived in the same floor, and that they were like a family. "I'm really glad you moved in. This flat has been vacant for a while, and when everyone else goes off I'm left all alone."

"That does sound lonely. Do you want to go shopping? They've given me a week to get settled before I have to start working, and I have to go buy some more clothes."

"Sure, where are you working?"

"Well I'll be working for like this big entertainment company during the day, and on the side I'll be playing piano."

"That sounds awesome, just let me run over to my flat and freshen up."

"Sure." Once she left I explored my new flat. It was huge, and I couldn't believe that I'd be living here alone. Everything was very modern, and someone had decorated all the rooms except for the master bedroom, which was my favorite room. The master bedroom had floor to ceiling windows, like all of the other rooms, and a huge closet. It also had an attatched bathroom with the coolest shower ever. I quickly carried all my luggage from the living room to my bedroom. Then, I took a shower, changed into a new outfit, and put my long brown hair in a ponytail. As I looked in the mirror I realized that I had accidentally slept in my contacts, and my eyes were red so I put on my glasses. By the time I had done all that Eleanor was ready so we headed off to the mall.

Author's Note: it's a bit short, but I wanted to update early. I don't really have much to say right now so.... Don't forget to vote and Comment. *wink* Buhhhyye.....I bet no one got the reference.

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