Chapter 20

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"Well uh, you see Tony. I'd love to stay and possibly be burnt to a crisp but, Nat needs me." I say quickly, using the first excuse that hit my mind. I swung my legs out and jumped off of the table I had been sitting on. I sent him a slight smile and hugged Bruce goodbye. Tony opened his mouth but before he could say what ever he was going to, I was already out the door and down the hallway. I laughed to myself and entered the room where Natasha first showed me my uniform. I walked in and she stood there with a man and woman I had never seen before. Natasha turned her head at the noise of the door opening and smiled.

"Oh, Emma. These two are in charge of the uniforms here at SHIELD. This is Marcus and that's Selena. Marcus put together your uniform when we first received notice of you being accepted as a SHIELD agent." She explained and I Shook their hands making sure to compliment Marcus on his work telling him how much I loved it.

"Selena is the one who designed your whip. But now with your newly discovered abilities they'll have to make you a uniform you can work in." She told me and I nodded. For the next hour or so I was poked and prodded, questioned and gossiped with, and stretched and measured to ensure my new uniform would be, "Absolutely daring." or at least that's how Marcus worded it. I'm starting to think he plays for the other team. I just smiled and nodded the whole time, acting like I was listening. When they finished with me I grinned at the designs they had sketched out and nodded in approval. I thanked both of them and left the room. I didn't know what to do next. It was to late for lunch and I wasn't hungry anyways, plus I really didn't want to go back to the lab for fear of that damned flame thrower. I let myself hover the hallways, occasionally passing through walls to scare the crap out of agents on the other side. Soon I found myself in a hallway I didn't recognize. I set my feet on the ground and walk the rest of the way to the end of the hall way. The door opens with the usual quiet hiss and I gasp at the sight I see.

"Well it took you long enough Miss Emma."

A/N: Yaay update!! and your QOTD: Who's your favorite doctor? I'm a huge Tennant fan ^.^ well that's it for today, I hope you all are alive and well haha!

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