Chapter 11: Russian Winter

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The night was cold; the hotel was surprisingly poorly heated in the suite. Gaby had gone through many cold winters in Berlin, but nothing to compare to this. She snuggled deeper under the sheets but they were useless. They were thinner than a table cloth and her pyjamas were probably made from old table cloths. Solo was on the other side of the bed. She knew he was awake because he wasn't snoring loudly like he usually did. The space between them was letting cold air in, and Gaby knew she would have to get closer to him so they didn't both die of frostbite.

"Solo?" She whispered, even though they were alone in the room.

He grunted. "Yes, doll?" They didn't move to face each other as the sheets around them hadn't been slightly warmed by their body heat. It was like thin sheets of ice.

"It's cold." She whimpered. She wanted to slap herself for being so weak and sounding so childish, but she couldn't help it. "Do you think there are some spare bed sheets in the closet?"

Solo reluctantly got up from the bed and looked in the closet. There was nothing, and his mind was foggy with lack of sleep already. He turned around to get back into bed, when he saw Gaby's small frame in bed. She was lying on her side, facing away from him. He could noticeably see her back shivering and he could faintly hear her teeth chatter in the silent hotel room. He sighed and got back into the bed, and put an arm around her. Immediately, he could feel her tense up.

"Solo?" She whispered, about to move his arm. But then she realized he wasn't doing this romantically in anyway. He was just trying to keep her and himself warm. She nestled deeper into his arm and breathed a sigh of relief. "Thanks."

"You're welcome," he shivered slightly. "Don't tell Illya."

"I won't." She could feel him shiver behind her. She turned around so her face was closer to his chest and she also put an arm around him. "Just don't squash me when you fall asleep."

He laughed. "Sure. You're freezing, by the way."

"You're surprisingly warm."

They didn't speak anymore. The bed got warmer quickly and they both quickly fell asleep. Soon the room was filled with Solo's snores and Gaby's soft breathing.

In Illya's room, he had already smashed the device he was listening into. He had bugged the room when he had given them the letters, and he had listened to every conversation through his speakers.

Now the device was in pieces on the floor.

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