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An: sorry for all the mistakes in the last one. This one will have less mistakes i hope. Enjoy.

The Next day. Yang POV

Weiss and I were shopping for a gift for (Yn). I wanted to buy him something. I know it's only been 2 days since we started dating, but he's shown that he is very loving and caring to me compared to my exes. We walked into a jewellry shop and I asked Weiss what would be a good idea for (Yn)

Yang:"Do you think he'd like that?"

I pointed to an expensive gold watch, with (Fc) and (Sfc) markings on the inside of it.

Weiss:"I geuss that would be okay."

We asked the cashier if we could buy that and he asked me what's the occassion.

Yang:"Just a gift for my boyfriend."

Cashier:"He must be really important if you're buying him a 600 Lien watch."

Yang:"He is, he very loving and sweet to me."

Weiss looked a bit conflicted. The cashier saw my weapons.

Cashier:"You go to Beacon? Are you Yang?"

I looked at him surprised and nodded.

Yang:"How do you know?

Cashier:"Raider's a good friend of mine and he talks highly of you. A few months ago, he helped fight off some robbers. Its on the house okay. Think of this as a thank you to him."

I blushed hearing this and grabbed the present.

Yang:"Thank you very much sir.Whats your name?"

Cashier:"Its Sear. Tell him I said hi."

We walked out and thanked him. We stopped by a cafe for lunch since we've been shopping for quite some time now. As we settled at our table, I just had to ask Weiss if every thing was okay with her and (Yn).

Yang:"Hey Weiss, is everything okay between you and (Yn), you seem to get nervous  around him and act weird when Im with him."

She looked down at the floor at the mention of his name and hesistated to answer.

Weiss:"Well you see I....what Im trying to say is...umm...uhh.*sighs*

She looks me dead in the eye.

Weiss:"I like him okay!"

I was taken back by this. One of my closest friends had feelings for my boyfriend.

Weiss:"Please dont get mad Yang. Atleast let me tell you why."

I calmed down and decided to listen to her story.

Weiss POV

I sat in front of Yang about tell her why I have feelings for (Yn).

Weiss:"I started last year..."

Flashback Weiss POV

I was with my father at work. He was currently talking to his associates while I had gone around to explore the work place. I was at an area where dust is stored, looking at how they group and store dust until I heard some screaming. I ran out and saw the warehouse under attack by the White Fang.

Weiss' Father:"Weiss run! Run before they get you!"

I turned around and ran, but was caught by a White Fang soldier. He raised he sword and brought down on me. I closed my eyes and waited for the impact but it never came. Then I saw him. Raider. He blocked the strike with his sword on back, looking at me. He then shot the man in the head with his pistol, killing him brutally. He pulled of his bandana and hood before smiling at me. I looked into his beautiful (ec) while he looked into mine.

Raider:"Dont worry you can trust me."

He picked me up and I just wrapped my arms around him. He was surprised but slowy hugged back before pushing me away and holding onto my shoulders.

Raider:"Miss I dont know who you are but you have to get out off here, its too dangerous to hang around here."

I nodded and followed him out, taking any White Fang he came across. I just stared at him in amazement. The most wanted vigilante, whom people made out to be evil, was protecting me. He didnt even know who I was, yet he still did. As we made it out, I found my dad and ran to him.

Father:"Oh Weiss, you're okay."

He hugged me and I hugged back. I turned to look for Raider but he was gone. He soon walked out through the doors, White Fang laying all aroung him. He stopped and looked at the security aiming at him. I ran up to him and stood in front of him.

Weiss:"Put your weapons down."

Father:"Weiss! What are you doing with this degenerate?!"

Weiss:"He saved my life! He does't deserve this!"

My father glared at me before sighing and told his men to lower their weapons. I turned to face Raider and hugged him. He was comletely shocked to be hugged, especially in front of a crowd.

Weiss*whisper* "Thank you"

Raider:"Your welcome"

Hr hugged back before he ran back into the warehouse. The soldiers followed him, only to find nothing.

Flashback Ends

Weiss:"After that day, I couldnt stop thinking about him. And then he showed up at Beacon and I felt so happy but then you asked him out and I just got sad. But he started talking to me and the team and I just, I couldnt hold my fellings for him in check."

I looked at Yang and she showed me that she wasnt angry.

Yang:"I get it, you've liked him for a long time. But hes the best thing thats happened to me, can you please accept our realtionship?"

Her tone wasnt a sarcastic one. It was purely sincere.

Weiss:"I can. Just know that I'll be there for the both of you."

We both hugged and started to walk back to Beacon.

An:Hey guys I'll update another one today, sorry if this one was bad since the reader wasn't given his POV. It will be in the next one.

Yang X Smoke/Fire M!Reader X Weiss (RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now