From the Ashes.

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Timeskip 1 month Later

I was walking around Vale with my girlfriend Weiss. I have been really happy with her but something kept telling me to see how Yang was doing. Yang still had not moved on from me, and would spend everyday in her room. I began to get worried for her health, mentally and physically.

Weiss:"Whats wrong sweetie?"

Yn:"Its...its Yang. She not her usual self anymore and its making me feel, i dunno, sad for some reason."

Weiss:"I understand."

Yn:"You do?"

Weiss:"Yes. She is still our friend and we should be there for her when she needs us most and right now is the time. Do you want to go see her."

Yn:"How about after our date?"

Weiss smiled knowing she was my priority.


Timeskip After date.

Weiss and I were walking back to Beacon after our successful date. We were holding our hands, fingers interwined with each others. As we approached RWBY's dorm (You live in your own dorm from last chap.) Weiss let you go inside alone. I knocked on the door but to no answer. I walked in and saw Yang with shotgun aimed at her head!

Yn:"Yang! No!"

I jumped at her arm, making her shoot the wall nearby. She started to cry uncontrolably, falling to her knees. I walked up to her and hugged her, trying to comfort her after the attempted suicide.

Yn:"Yang , why'd you do that?"

Yang:"I hurt you so much. I thought you'd be better off without me in your life. I also couldn't stand the pain I inflicted on you and myself."

I then noticed her arms and legs with cuts, bruised body and bleach bottles lying around her.I then saw a rope mark on her neck. I couldn't believe it. She had been trying to kill herself for weeks and I did not notice.

Yn:"Oh.My.God.Yang. Im sorry. I know we broke up on bad terms but I never meant to hurt you this way."

I once again hugged and she cryed into my shirt. I couldnt stand the fact she could've died. Because of me. After crying she passed out due to the pain. I panicked and I stood up with her, put a blanket around her and walked out with her in my arms, bridal style. I saw Weiss outside waiting.

Yn:"Weiss go to the nurse and tell her to expect an unconscious suicide victim. Not dead, unconscious."

She looked at me confused before she saw Yang. And her marks. She burst out in tears before running to the nurse. I was running behind Weiss, but soon lost her cause I was carrying Yang. I panicked, knowing I wouldn't reach the infirmary in time. I layed her down and rested my hands on her stomach. Fire and smoke soon flowed through my hands and into her. She jolted up and looked at herself, noticing all the wounds were gone. She was shcoked. Until. Until she looked at me, blood gushing from my mouth, and fresh cuts and bruises on my body. Blood seeping through my shirt. I had taken her damage and put it on myself to heal her. I collapsed into her arms. I looked at her one more time.

Yn:"Yang...I...Im sorry...and...I..forgive love."

With my last word, I saw darkness.

Yang POV

I looked at him one last time before I started to cry. He lay in arms, lifeless and he still wanted me still loved me
He kept his promise to me.

Flash back

Yn: " I care so much about you Yang. I promise no one in the world will hurt you, even if it means my demise."

Yang X Smoke/Fire M!Reader X Weiss (RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now