Justin Bieber is a pop superstar sensation who is misunderstood at times. Ever since he broke up with his girlfriend Selena Gomez, he's gotten afraid of having feelings for other girls. Every once in a while, he'd be seen hanging around with differe...
BACKGROUND... I never really liked Justin Bieber. It's not that I hated him or anything... But my sister caused me to have negative feelings about Justin. It might have to do with how all you see in her room are Bieber posters everywhere.
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Or how there's never a moment where she won't talk about Justin. It just ticks me off hearing his name. Although I'm not fond of Justin, I do love my little sister. I love her to the point where I stood by a radio for a whole day straight to win tickets for her to meet the so called "love of her life". She has been supporting him since 2008 and I know that she deserves it.
I woke up to the screams and chants of my little sister... "JUSTIN'S IN CHICAGO! JUSTIN'S IN CHICAGO! OH MY FUCKING BIEBER I CAN'T BELIEVE MY BOYFRIEND IS IN CHICAGO," she said while bursting songs from his Purpose album on her phone.
"Oh joy..." I mumbled as I rolled out of bed and dragged myself to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth.
"Erika! Can you believe that Kidrauhl is in town and that we're hours away from meeting him at his concert???" my sister questioned me.
"For the billionth time, I could care less that he's here, Jocelyn. I don't care for him or his stupid music. You need to grow out of your phase." I exclaimed to her while walking back to my bedroom.
Jocelyn grinned and told me how "Being a Belieber isn't a phase, it's a lifestyle." I rolled my eyes and slammed my door shut with her on the other side of it.
*A few hours later* It is now time to go and to please Jocelyn, I surprise her with Purpose tour shirts so we can twin together.
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*Flashforward to being inside of arena*
With the meet and greet passes, we were blessed with pit tickets so we might have the chance to touch the Justin Bieber. His opening acts already performed but we weren't hyped about them. "I can't believe the day is finally here and I'll be feet away from my idol-thanks to you Erika." Jocelyn tells me while crying. I hug her and try to respond but the lights dim down and everyone's attention is focused on a bright box with someone inside of it. My guess is that it's Justin Bieber.
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The person in the box was indeed Justin Bieber. He sounded angelic. I've got to say- he also looked quite angelic as well. His voice made my heart feel some sort of way but I wasn't sure how to express it.
Throughout the concert, I started changing my thoughts and views of Justin. While seeing him perform, I could see how much passion he puts into his singing and feel like I can relate to what Justin says in his songs. Especially in his song Purpose- when I personally touched Justin's hand.
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"I don't know if this is wrong because someone else is telling me that it's wrong, but I feel this so let me just like, try my best not to let this happen again.We weren't necessarily put in the best position to make the best decisions.You can't be hard on yourself. For these were the cards that you were given so you have to understand that these, like... That's not who you are. You're trying to be the best you can be but that's all you can do. If you don't give it all you got, you're only cheating yourself. Give it all you got but if it ends up happening, it ends up happening."
My views on Justin have made a sudden change. The concert is now over but the excitement is not over. "The concert was amazing Erika! I'm so anxious to meet him." Jocelyn says while we exit the arena to get in line for the meet and greet. "What do you think of Justin now that you've seen him perform?" She questions. "I mean like I never hated him, but he's cute and has a decent voice." I responded while lying a bit... Who was I kidding? He didn't have a decent voice. His voice was amaze balls and I'm glad to have won the tickets. 😍
It's our turn to meet Justin and I just want to scream from the excitement. "Can I get the next pair of girls to meet Justin?" the security guard asks. We walk through a doorway and there he is. My sister runs up to him, giving Justin a big hug and practically jumping on top of him. Then there was me frozen and in shock. "What's wrong, beautiful? Do you want a hug?" Justin asks me while trying to pull Jocelyn off of him to walk towards me. "She probably caught Bieber Fever." she tells Justin. As soon as she says that, I unfreeze and cringe at my sister. "Hi. I'm Erika and you're se---cute" I tell Justin. I realize my mistake and face palm myself. Justin smiles and tells me "I think you're secute too" while biting his lip and putting his arms around me for a picture. "You smell like strawberries too... I dig it." he says cheesily while winking at me.
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"Time is up, Justin." the guards interrupt.
"Alright. Nice meeting you, beliebers." he tells us, "Wait- Erika, right?" "Yeah." "This is totally awkward but I'm going to a bar called ROOF in an hour. It'd be great if you would meet me up there. I'd love some company from a fan of mine." "Oh actually, I can't---" "SHE CAN'T WAIT TO MEET YOU THERE. THAT'S WHAT SHE MEANT TO SAY, JUSTIN. SHE'LL BE THERE." Jocelyn interrupts. "Great. I'll see you there." Justin responds with a smile. As we head out of the room, I'm in complete shock that Justin invited me- out of all of the girls in the meet and greet sessions- to hang with him later tonight. Why me? I'm a hot mess... And he's daddy af. Like who paid him? 🤔