Justin Bieber is a pop superstar sensation who is misunderstood at times. Ever since he broke up with his girlfriend Selena Gomez, he's gotten afraid of having feelings for other girls. Every once in a while, he'd be seen hanging around with differe...
"Jocelyn what the fuck. Are you crazy? Why would you tell Justin that I was down to hang out with him? I'm not even properly dressed for a bar." I tell my sister while we're driving home. "This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, Erika. I know you don't like Justin but please don't ruin this for us. Do you want something that screams GIVE ME THE JERRY or something more casual? Wait nevermind," she pauses... "I have the perfect outfit for you!"
What does she even mean by 'doing it for us'? 🤔
During the car ride, Jocelyn wouldn't stop talking about how amazing the concert was and how cute Justin was. "Did you see how sparkly his eyes got when he first saw you? Dude he wants some... When you see him again, make sure to tell him that when he's ready, to go and get it." Jocelyn jokes while humming to the Selena Gomez song.
We're now home and I'm racing to get dressed. Mom and dad didn't even bother asking how the concert went or why I was in such a rush. They probably wouldn't believe me if I told them I was hanging out with Justin Bieber- or with a person in general...
Jocelyn threw me my whole outfit. A gray crop top, black ripped skinny jeans, white vans, and an army green sweater to go over it.
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"Remember to be calm, don't ask him for any pictures, and please try not to freeze in front of him again." Jocelyn reminds me as I run towards my car. "I love you! Be yourself, Erika."
The ROOF bar was not too far from my house- considering that I live near the city. I can't believe this is happening.
Am I really going to hang with a celebrity in a high-class bar? What if I say the wrong thing? What if I freeze up again and he gets annoyed of me?
I have many thoughts racing in my head until I get to the bar. It really was unbelievable and took my breath away.
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"May I help you, miss?" a man in a fancy tux asks me while I stare in awe inside of the bar. "I was supposed to meet someone named Justin here." I tell him. The man gives me a confused face probably curious as to why I would be meeting up with someone so handsome compared to me... "He's right in this direction in the vip lounge, my lady." He says while pointing me to where Justin was seated. I walk towards Justin confidently and stop to stare at his side view
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"Can I have a kiddy cocktail?" I overhear Justin asking a bartender. I couldn't help but to laugh loudly, giving Justin's attention to me. "Gorgeous! I thought you weren't going to come." He tells me while coming out of his seat to hug me. "Sir, can we have two kiddy cocktails instead?" He asks the bartender. I give Justin a smirk and he explains to me that he's trying to lay low on alcohol. The bartender gives us our cocktails and we head over to an empty table so we could talk...
Justin: So, Erika. What'd you think of tonight's concert? *Asks while starring deep into my eyes-making me a bit nervous*
Me: I had the best time of my life. You did an amazing job and I'm glad that I won tickets to see you perform.
Justin: I really tried enjoying myself today....
Me: What do you mean? Don't you enjoy yourself during every concert?
Justin: I love performing, don't get me wrong. But sometimes I feel like a zoo animal with phones in my face during my concerts. It gets kinda hard to be alright.
Me: I totally understand you. I would be pretty pissed too... It sucks how they basically want you to be perfect, but they don't even know that you're hurting. *I quote the lyrics from I'll Show You*
Justin: Exactly. Tell me about yourself, Erika.
Me: I'm 21, an older sister to a 15 year old. To be honest, I'm not a belieber. My little sister is and she adores you. I'm bubbly, simple, and stubborn at times. I'm sorta an outcast and barely have any friends except an Internet bestfriend named Emily. She also happens to be a belieber.
Justin: I have a thing for bubbly girls. *He gives a tiny smirk and takes a sip from his drink*
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Me: Woah there, pretty boy. *Blushing*
(We're a couple of kiddy cocktails in and Justin and I are having an amazing time. It's so amazing that we don't even notice that it's 1:55 am and the bar is about to close. Justin walks me to my car.)
Justin: I wish we would have had more time to talk. I really enjoyed our conversations.
Me: I enjoyed them too. I'm actually kind of sad to have to say goodbye so soon.
Justin: This doesn't have to be a goodbye. I'll give you my number and perhaps you can give me a tour around Chicago. I'd love to see you again.
Me: Tomorrow sounds great. What's your number?
Justin: (***) ***-**** .
Me: Okay. Do you wanna meet up tomorrow at 11 am? *I ask while getting into my car*
Justin: I'll text you. Goodbye, babe. *He hugs me and gives me a peck on the cheek.*
Bold letters will be the messages Justin sends. ●●●●●●●●
Hey, it's Erika. Just wanna thank you for the great time.
Hey, no problem. I can't wait to see you tomorrow morning. GoodnightErika. ;)