Chapter 3:// All That Matters

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Last night felt like a dream. First, I was in the pit for Justin's concert, I got to meet and greet him, and he asked me out. Like what is life? Was yesterday real? I must have just imagined the whole night. It was an illusion.

"Erika! How was last night? Did you guys kiss? Did you scare him away? Are you guys planning on going out again?" Jocelyn barges into my room, jumping on top of me while I'm in bed.
"So you mean to tell me that I actually did meet Justin Bieber?" I ask while my phone gets a notification.
Good morning beautiful.

I couldn't help it anymore and started to scream. My mom ran into my room worried that I guess I was hurt. "MOM. HE MESSAGED ME. WE'RE APPARENTLY HANGING OUT TODAY IN A FEW HOURS. HOLY FUDGE."
"Oh my little girl is going on a date! I'm so happy for you, honey. Who's the lucky---" she questions while Jocelyn interrupts. "JUSTIN BIEBER. They went out yesterday and I'm not sure what he sees in her, but they're apparently going on their second date today."
"It's not a date, Joce. Just a friendly hang out with a celebrity."
"Should I be worried?" My mother asks.
"Why would you be? This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, ma."
"I don't want any drama to start with the papz or anything. All that matters is that you have fun and stay safe. "

"Mom, I'll be okay. I'm sure he'll probably have his security guards with him. We'll be sightseeing and we'll stop by for pizza somewhere." I tell her as my phone receives another notification.

" I tell her as my phone receives another notification

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"That was Justin." I tell my mom and sister, "He'll be here in an hour." As I walk towards my closet, I see that Jocelyn was way ahead of me and already chose my outfit.
"Justin likes girls with a laid back type of fashion. Trust me, I know my man." she tells me before I even ask her."

"Why are you being so nice when I'm about to go out with your idol?  I'd expect you to be jealous or threaten to murder me

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"Why are you being so nice when I'm about to go out with your idol?  I'd expect you to be jealous or threaten to murder me." I tell her as I prepare to do my makeup.

"I'm doing this because one, he's 7 years older than me. Two, he obviously thinks you're cute, and three, who knows? He probably has fine 15 year old cousins who might be interested in me," She jokes while laughing, "What did you guys even talk about last night that got him interested in you?"

"We basically talked about life. He told me personal things and I guess he felt comfortable telling me about himself. I'm surprised I didn't freak out or shit myself. He was a sweet guy who just wanted to be a human."

"He sounds like an incredible person. I told you he was like a million times but you never put any effort into thinking about what I was saying." Jocelyn remarks.

"I know, I'm sorry---" as I'm apologizing, my phone rings and I'm freaking out. "IT'S JUSTIN."
Hey Erika.
-Hey Justin. Everything okay?
Everything's fine. Well sorta.
-What is it?
I don't really want my guards following us around. I want to feel normal for once.
-I get what you mean. Do you want me to pick you up in my car?
No I'll just tell them that I'm going to go solo and I'll get you in my Lamborghini.
-Are you sure that's safe?
Yeah. What can go wrong? I'll pick you up in 10 minutes. Bye.

"He said he'll be here in 10 and he's picking me up in his car. Don't tell mom but he's not bringing any guards along." I tell Jocelyn. "Oooo you guys are going to get more personal. You know what that means." she responds while chuckling and poking me, "Dude you haven't even told Emily about this. You should tell her really quick before Justin comes."

My eyes lit up as I ran to my phone to FaceTime my internet bestfriend Emily.

(Emily is in bold, Erika is in regular)

Hey! How was the concert last night? What was the meet and greet experience like? Tell me details.

Everything went great but you'll never believe what happened---

I already heard what happened from Jocelyn. Did you get his number? Did you guys kiss and fall in love? How'd he smell?

I actually have to go right now because he kinda asked me to hang out with him again today. Let's just say we drank kiddy cocktails and he kissed me on the cheek.


I mean we're just friends, but I have to go.  He's knocking on the door. I'll talk to you after we hang out.

Aww okay.  Bye! I love you! Have fun! Don't do that thang until you get that rang. Hash tag it's a belieber thing.

Bye I love you too!
"Mom! Dad!" I tell while heading out the door." I have to go. My ride is outside."

"Bye Erika. Have fun." They respond. As I look outside, I see Justin waiting for me in a gorgeous car.

"Hey, Erika

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"Hey, Erika. Ready to have a chill day?" Justin asks me as I walk towards him.

"Yeah. Nice ride." I tell him as he gives me a hug. His arms felt like they belonged around me. They were so strong and I felt protected.

"Thank you. Where are you planning on taking me?" Justin asks me.
"You'll see...." I tell him while getting into the car.

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