Chapter 9:// Eenie Meenie

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I woke up to the smell of flowers in my bedroom. I opened my eyes and BAM dozens of red flowers were lying on my desk.

"This flower dude dropped these off along with this letter

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"This flower dude dropped these off along with this letter." Jocelyn tells me while handing me a paper, stealing a rose, and leaving the room.
I looked at the letter and read...

Lately things have been hard, and it seems as time progresses the difficulties seem to be endless. Not being able to see each other, conflicting schedules, and distance are all big factors in the difficulties that we face. It's days like yesterday that make me very hopeful, though. Sometimes it gets tiring to have to wait to see you and I wonder, will it ever end? Will things ever be easy for us? And with that I have realized, no, no they won't get easier for us. Life will not get easier, the difficulties will not disappear once you and I are together. But you and I, we'll learn how to overcome those issues as ONE. We will face them head on, and nothing will ever come between us. Those days you come stressed, I'll take care of you, and I know when it's me, you'll do everything in your power to cheer me up. I just want you to know that on those hard days now, I still love you, and I might be far but I'll never stop thinking about you. -Justin

By the time I was done reading the letter, I was in tears of happiness. I just missed him a lot.

A few hours pass and I finally receive a video call request from Justin.

(Justin is in bold and Erika is in regular)
Hey beautiful.
Hey, what's up?
Just wondering what you thought of the roses. Did you like them?
Dude they're so gorgeous. What's the occasion?
Not sure. Just figured it'd be a nice thing to get you...
I would've been good with one rose...
Don't say that. You deserve way more than one rose. (Justin starts getting cheesy and randomly sings to me.)

You're such a dork

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You're such a dork. (I laugh.)
I'm thinking of having a small hangout when the tour is done. Perhaps at a house that I'm renting out in the city.
Sounds awesome. Make sure you stay out of trouble.
I was actually wondering if you'd like to come along. I could have someone bring Emily. It'll be fun, I promise. Please go. (He gives a puppy pout. I roll my eyes)
Fine. What have you been up to?
Besides preparing for the end of my tour, I haven't really been doing anything. Although I've been working on a song with DJ Snake that'll come out in August.
That's amazing. What's it going to be called?
Let Me Love You... It's kinda something I thought of when I met you.

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