Justin Bieber is a pop superstar sensation who is misunderstood at times. Ever since he broke up with his girlfriend Selena Gomez, he's gotten afraid of having feelings for other girls. Every once in a while, he'd be seen hanging around with differe...
*Has some Rated R writing, I'll warn you about it before the scenes*
Justin drives off and I go back inside where Emily and Jocelyn are lying on my bed while watching Believe on my television with popcorn...
"We totally didn't just see all of that booty action outside..." Jocelyn says with a laugh.
"I'm surprised you guys didn't do that thang out there. You should've gotten a room." Emily says.
"Shut up! He's been begging for it for weeks." I tell them while hitting them with a pillow, "You know you guys wouldn't be able to resist."
"True..." they agree at the same time. "So are we going to watch my man on TV all night?" I ask while grabbing some popcorn. "You know it." Emily says.
Justin is talking about how his mustache makes him feel older and I couldn't stop laughing and just had to bring that up in a message...
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We all fell asleep while watching a Playlist of all of Justin's music videos.
*it's the next day* "I don't know if this outfit is appropriate for the party." I tell Emily while showing her my outfit.
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"Are you kidding me? You look hot as fuck. Justin's gonna die seeing you in that. What do you think of my outfit?"
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"Dayummmm I think we have some competition." I tell her. "You look so pretty! We look good."
We were getting ready to leave when Justin messages me.