Justin Bieber is a pop superstar sensation who is misunderstood at times. Ever since he broke up with his girlfriend Selena Gomez, he's gotten afraid of having feelings for other girls. Every once in a while, he'd be seen hanging around with differe...
"I'm so shocked that you came this long way to see me." Emily tells me while we lay next to each other watching Law & Order and eating pizza. "You're my bestfriend, or course I'd come for you. I was so worried. I don't know what I would've done if you took those pills and died."
"I'm sorry, sometimes I can just be so stupid. I'm just glad that we're talking again." she tells me. "I'm here to make you happy, I'm here to see you smile." I tell her while she rolls her eyes and laughs. "You just quoted a Bieber song... Dude tell me everything about how he asked you out and how everything went!" She reminds me.
"Well basically, I froze when it was our turn for the Meet & Greet. Justin and Joce made fun of me because of that. He called me beautiful and asked if I wanted a hug. I called him "secute" and he thought the same of me. He then invited me to this place called ROOF. It was awesome. Dude he said he was trying to lay low on alcohol so we drank kiddy cocktails together. He asked if I'd give him a tour around Chicago and I agreed to it. He gave me a kiss on the cheek before I left."
"This sounds like a cliche story I would write on Wattpad... But it's amazing because it actually happened!" Emily exclaims while giving me a hug. "Remember the day you got mad at me?" I ask her. "Yeah. It was stupid." She tells me.
"The day after, Justin and I agreed to just stay friends because we didn't even know each other. Since then, we've been messaging each other and facetiming each other almost everyday. He likes calling me his baby." I tell her as we both cringe.
"Is he a good kisser?" She asks. I nod my head and tell her I never wanted for it to be over.
"I'm glad that you found someone who makes you happy." Emily tells me.
Hours pass and Emily falls asleep leaning on my shoulder so I figure it's a good time to post on Instagram...
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A few minutes later, Justin likes the picture and makes a post of his own of a picture that he took while I took a nap on the jet.
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I messaged Justin right away.
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I apparently owe him McDonald's because of him cancelling the acoustic version of Cold Water for him to sing Be Alright. That's great because that means I'd get to see him again. 😋
My phone vibrates and it's Justin calling... I move Emily's head and go into the restroom to answer the call.
(Justin is in bold, Erika is in regular)
I miss you babe.
I'm not your babe, Justin. (I say giggling) But I miss you too.
The tour is almost over... I'm planning on renting a place over in Chicago. We'll be able to see each other more often. What do you think?
Dude I'd cry. That would be amazing. We'd be able to Netflix and chill!
You do know what Netflix and chill usually leads to, right?
You know what I mean, Justin! We'll be chilling buddies.
Just chilling buddies? I was hoping we'd get a little deeper than that...
*A girl interrupts and tells Justin that it's almost time.*
Almost time for what?
Got to go, Erika. Bye. I'llcall you tomorrow.
I end the call and go back to Emily who's on her phone. "Have you seen the picture Justin posted?" She asks. "Yeah. I told him I hated him for that." I say while laughing.
"You guys are so cute and you're not even an official couple yet. Can you guys just date already?" She responds. I shake my head and tell her it's too soon.
"Guess who's planning on renting a house in Chicago?" I ask her. Emily finally gets out of bed and starts jumping up and down while fangirling. "I told him we were gonna be Netflix and chilling and he took it the wrong way." I said.
"Hey, Emily. Now let's talk about what's happening around you. Tell me what triggered you to do what you wanted to do?" I ask her.
"Well you know Ashley, right? I kinda tried talking to her brother Isaac and she got pissed- causing her to make up rumors about me sleeping around with guys..." she tells me while tearing up, "Isaac doesn't even turn to look at me anymore."
"What a bish." I tell her while comforting my friend.
"I know what will make you feel better." I say as I reach for my phone searching for Justin Bieber on Spotify. U Smile comes on and Emily's face brightens up. She starts singing along with the song but the only part I know is U Smile, I Smile.
"We should sleep now." I tell Emily as I reach for her Justin Bieber blanket and wrap it around her