Chapter 12:// Baby

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I leave Justin's room first due to him having to clean up and put his clothes back on...

"Where were you?" Emily asks me as I join her in Justin's living room, "...and is that a hickey on your neck?" She questions.
"Justin gave me a tour... Around his bedroom..." I tell her.

"Holy crap. You did that thang before you got that rang." she tells me while laughing.

"Shut up... How are you doing with Christian?" I ask, changing the subject.

"He's sweet. He went to get us sour patch kids at the sweets table." She tells me while pointing over to him. "Ah. Where's Jocelyn?" I ask...

"With Brooklyn. I think they're playing Xbox or whatever it's called. You should go check on her." She tells me while pointing to where they were at.

They were being regular teenagers playing against each other. "Dude I should've gotten a point that time. I killed the guy." Jocelyn tells Brooklyn.
"Joce. That was your teammate. You're not supposed to kill your teammate." Brooklyn says while chuckling.

"Hey Jocelyn

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"Hey Jocelyn. Can I talk to you really quick?" I ask Joce. "Yeah. What's up?" She gets up and walks towards me. "Are you guys getting along?" I ask her. "Yeah. He's hot and sweet. But he has a girlfriend." She responds with a sob.

"You're not here to find your next boyfriend, child," I say while laughing, "Have fun." I tell her as I walk away.

"Hey, Erika." Justin says... I look over to him and see that he is shirtless and has his messy "sex hair" from me pulling on his hair while you know.... *wink wink*

 *wink wink*

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"Hey there." I respond while fixing his hair. "Christian and I are about to go against each other in sumo wrestling.. Wanna watch?" Justin says with a grin.

"You're an idiot," I say with a laugh, "But I'm down to see how this goes down."

Christian and Justin are getting into their fatsuits and try to attack each other but it's practically impossible.
Christian was the first to fall but him and Justin played it off by doing some weird dancing...

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