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{(Y/n) POV}

Sunset, night, and sunrise. That's when I arrived at the settlement of Ivarstead. It wasn't until I collapsed on the floor of Vilemyr Inn that the burning pain between my legs returned, the rush of adrenaline that I had in my blood the last night dying down. 'By the gods, what happened to you?' A woman in farmer clothes crouched down next to me, taking me by the shoulders. 'Stand up, the floor isn't clean at all! Wilhelm, get a seat for this girl!' I gasped loudly, not able to talk. 'What is your name?' The man named Wilhelm hoisted me up a chair and pressed a tankard of water into my hands. I gulped it down greedily and took some deep breathes. 'I... I was raped by some Stormcloak soldiers yesterday...' 'By Mara, how horrible! You seem feverish.' She pressed the back of her hand to my forehead as I had done to Brynjolf a few days ago. 'You seem alright, but let's get you treated... down there.' She pointed towards my legs. 'My sister was once raped, too. We didn't clean her wounds well and horrible infections made her lose her fecundity, and we don't want that to happen again.' For one or the other reason I flushed pink. No one had ever seen me naked, except for those soldiers and Relyn. Oh, bloody void, Relyn. I hadn't thought of him anymore since a few days. At least he was kind and gentle when he had touched me that way. 'Come with me, let's get you to some place more private.' I nodded, accepting gladly as the woman held out her arm. My legs nearly gave up underneath me as the searing pain returned and I gritted my teeth to suppress a scream. 'It's okay.' I shook my head, tears about to escape my eyes as the woman placed me on the bed in one of the inn's rooms. 'Do you need help to undress?' I nodded and closed my eyes to hold back the tears. How quick did this all go? Yesterday at this time, I was still shackled to the wall in Goldenglow Estate, but it was before the rape. The cold air hit my skin and I shivered. The man named Wilhelm knocked upon the door. 'I placed a bucket of warm water right here, along with some alcohol and stitching tools.' The man was so kind and respectable, I realized. 'Thank you, Wilhelm.' The woman fetched the items Wilhelm had put in front of the door. As she started to clean me up, I decided to investigate her a bit further to take my mind off the pain. She was a Nord woman, I guessed around her early fifties. She wore farmer clothes and had blonde, almost white hair. 'What's your name, girl?' I hissed as a stinging pain rippled through me. '(Y-Y/n).' I swallowed. 'That's a very pretty name. I'm Boti, one of the local citizens. I am almost done, there isn't that much damage, but infections are more unlikely to spread now.' 'Thank you.' I whispered. Boti stood up and handed my my undergarments. 'Dress up, (Y/n). I will pay for your meal and a bed until you feel better.' I started shaking my head. 'No, no, that isn't necessary, you've done so much for me already.' The Nord smiled. 'It's the least I could do. My daughter is around your age. I couldn't imagine the same thing happening to her.' I slipped on my armor as Boti waited for me to help me to the main hall. 'There you go.' she said as she placed me on one of the benches. 'Thank you, ma'am.' She squeezed my shoulder. 'It's okay, child. Now eat and rest, regain your strength and you can leave again. Ivarstead isn't much of a place, so I was surprised someone ran in. Wilhelm, can you get this girl a nice tankard of ale and some salmon? It's on me tonight.' 'Mother, who is this girl you're talking to?' I spun around in my seat and saw a girl with dirty blonde hair, a jealous look on her face. 'This, Fastred, is (Y/n). She has a rough time, so be kind to her.' Boti walked away and the girl, apparently named Fastred, sat down next to me. 'Who are you and why are you here?' I frowned at her facial expression. 'I'm (Y/n) and I am here for a few days. Just... To take my mind off things.' 'You're here to steal my Bassianus, aren't you?' she barked, her eyes shimmering with anger. 'Wait, who? I am not stealing anyone!' Fastred huffed. 'Like I am going to trust you, with your Thieves Guild armor!' She stood up, knocking over an empty bowl in the process. 'You're pretty, I'll give you that. But if you come near my Bassianus, I'll end you.' Her attempt to intimidate me failed horribly, but I pretended to listen. 'Okay.' I said, taking a bite of my food. The Nord girl stomped away to throw herself on the lap of a redhead that was sitting on the other side of the room. He looked a bit like Brynjolf, I realized, and my stomach churned a bit at the thought of him. He had been so extremely kind to me, but still I had ran away. But then, if he hadn't brought me in contact with the Guild, I would've never been raped. I averted my gaze as Fastred looked over her shoulder to shoot me a glare. The only one who had ever treated me right, really right, was Relyn. Sure, he had left me behind during the fire, but he probably thought I would come after him. He was always kind, treated me like a princess and protected me with his life. He was, however, all the way in Falkreath. Maybe I should pay him a visit as soon as I was strong again. With that in mind, I went to bed.

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