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{Brynjolf POV}

'What do you mean, you haven't seen her?' I barked, narrowing my eyes at the woman behind the counter. She shrugged, her lower lip pouting a bit in a confused fashion. 'I just haven't. Maybe I have, but I can't recall. There are plenty of (h/c) ladies here, handsome. However, I haven't seen one with a wolf.' I sighed, swallowing thickly before turning to the woman again. 'Okay, I will describe her again. (E/c) eyes, (h/l) (h/c) hair, (s/c) skin. Alongside her was a wolf, a nearly white one. You can't miss that, and she must've passed through here since she traveled from Riften to the west.' The pawnbroker shook her head. 'No. I haven't seen anyone with a wolf. Listen, I am sorry. But then, if I recognized her, then why would I tell you? You could be chasing her down to kill her or something else horrible!' I inhaled deeply. 'No, you listen. That lady, I need to see her. I need to tell her that...' 'That what?' I exhaled, closing my eyes for a split second before opening them again. 'I need to tell her that I am in love with her.' The Nords eyes held mine for a few moments before she nodded. 'Your words are true. I can see it in your eyes. Maybe Saadia can help you, but I can't. I'm sorry, dear.' 'It's okay.' I spoke, letting my gaze fall to my feet. 'Saadia dear, can you help this man out?' 'Yes mother.' I looked up and a Redguard woman with wild, dark hair and barkeepers clothes stood in front of me. 'I remember every face and soul around this tavern. Come with me.' I followed her to a part of the house what seemed like the kitchen, where no other guests were speaking with each other whatsoever. 'Did you by any chance see a (race) woman here yesterday with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes?' Saadia tilted her head, sinking away in thought. 'I... I might... Yes. Yesterday at the end of the day. A (race) girl around my age... She looked rather sad.' 'Did she have a wolf with her?' The Redguard shook her head. 'No, but pets aren't allowed inside the gates of Whiterun, at least not here in the Bannered Mare.' A spark of hope started to develop in my chest, but not for long. 'How do you mean, sad?' 'She didn't look sad or something, but it was in her eyes. Something... Broken.' I swallowed. 'Oh... Do you know where she went?' 'Falkreath, she told me when leaving.' My eyes widened. 'Then it must be her! I have to go. Thank you very much.'

My horse was snorting with every step he took as I pressed my heels into his sides to make him go even faster. If (Y/n) would reach Falkreath before me, who knew what would happen. Was she going to Relyn? Was it one big conspiracy all along? A sudden feeling of anger welled up inside of the pit of my stomach. If this happened to be true, I think my heart would shatter like a mirror, for she was the first girl I've ever felt this way about before. I pet the mane of the gelding and sighed deeply. Perhaps Mercer was right. She wrote a note that she wanted to be left alone and who knew how she would react if she happened to see me. Every grain of friendship that she held towards me would disappear like snow for the sun. I swallowed as I entered Falkreath. The last time I was here, I was about to turn in Relyn. I pulled my hood tightly over my face to prevent anyone from recognizing me. Suspicious glances were sent my way. I was happy I had put on the clothes I carried with me, for I would've been arrested if I wore the Thieves Guild armor I would've been arrested. The streets were ever so helpless and poor as I dismounted the steed, hitching him to a fence. 'I'll be back later, boy.' I whispered as I gave him half an apple. I made my way to the local inn, entering it with much care, for (Y/n) could be sitting there at the bar. Fortunately, she wasn't in sight. I pulled off the hood, raking my hands through my red hair in an attempt to get out the knots that had gotten into it. I ordered an ale and some bread as I sat down at one of the tables, trying to eavesdrop on the conversation two customers were having. 'I swear, I saw that girl slip some lockpicks in her bag.' A Dark Elf spoke, taking a swig of his mead. 'That one with the baby wolf, aye?' A Khajiit asked, his accent laying thick on his voice. The Dunmer nodded. 'Aye. I have no clue where she is headed, though. Up to no good, I am telling you. Better keep an eye out that she doesn't break into your house at night. I don't like scum like that around here.' I bit in my bread, munching it to pieces as thoughts roamed in my head. She must've been here, but why did they mention Nero to be a baby wolf? And why would she try to break in the jarls longhouse again to steal some riches? Could she be out of septims that quick? I finished my meal and stood up, heading towards the door to leave. As I stood outside, it had started raining again. Quickly, I headed towards the prisons, hoping to walk into (Y/n) there. 

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