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{Y/n POV}

The rain shielded my sight as I stepped over the cobble road, almost slipping from the greasy vines that covered the cold stone. I was soaked to the bone, shivering like a straw. According to the way-points, I was almost Falkreath, my one true goal. I hoped to find Relyn there, sitting in his cell. It might seem like a bad idea, but the feeling of wanting to see him hadn't faded overnight. Blisters were forming on my feet as they strained in the heavy sodden boots I wore, which were supposed to be light weight, but the water that filled them had taken its toll on the sound: a rather annoying squeak that seemed to become louder at each step. The skies in the distance seemed to clear a bit, and a smile started to form on my lips. If I just stayed at the inn to warm up, maybe purchase some dry clothes, perhaps I could go to visit the jail earlier. I just had to speak with Relyn. He was right all along. I should've listened. I should've fled Riften right there and then with him and with Nero, away from that treacherous Guild. But those thieves, they had blinded me from the guilt that was present in Relyns dark orbs. I had to forgive him, but I didn't think he could forgive me after all what I've done to him. I greeted a few passing strangers, their cloaks as drenched as mine, and the familiar sight of a town veiled with a grey fog appeared at the horizon, mixed feelings starting to grow in the pit of my stomach. Maybe the guards recognized me. But then, those guys were as stupid as an arse. I had cut off my hair anyways. I stepped forward, my bag dangling on my back slightly as a growling was heard behind me. I pulled out my dagger, spinning around to gut a charging wolf in its belly, the steel blade plunging between his lungs. Her blood spilled over my arm, a warm, thick liquid with a strong smell. 'That will teach you...' The lifeless corpse of the animal landed on the ground with a thud. All of a sudden, my attention got caught by a tiny squeal, or more a cry. My eyes shot up, searching for the source of the sound. Behind a tree, a small wolf pup was watching me with big, black eyes, his fur doused with cold water. A weird noise left my throat as I crouched down, beckoning the pup for me to come hither. With hesitant steps, the wolf off-spring walked towards me and sniffed my hand curiously. His body was trembling. 'I am so sorry little boy...' I whispered, scratching carefully under his chin, which he seemed to like. 'You mother just wanted to protect you... But now I will. I promise.' The small thing cuddled up against my leg in an attempt to get some warmth. 'Come here.' I picked him up, cradling him in my arms as I carried him with me. 'We will be in Falkreath soon, yes? We will find shelter.'

The warm hearth was welcoming as ever as I stepped inside, my cloak dripping on the oaken floor. 'Good afternoon, can I help you?' An Imperial woman said. She had shoulder-long brown hair. I nodded. 'Could I get a room and some dry clothes, please?' The bartender nodded. 'Of course. That'll be 25 septims.' I fished them from my purse and I followed her to a room in which I plopped down on the bed. 'Here you go. Your dog needs something as well?' She pointed at the pup in my arms. 'Just a rag to dry him off, please.' The big eyes of the wolf started to peek around the room. 'Thank you.' I spoke as I took the old cloth from the barkeeper. She hummed and left the room. 'Now, what should we call you?' I whispered to the little animal as I rubbed it's grey fur dry. He didn't have a special colour like Nero used to have, but just the plain grey all wolves had. The pup stretched its neck to lick my cheek. I laughed. 'What do you think of... Basil? Hunter? Odolf?' His tongue felt funny, a bit coarse even. 'Gus.' I said and the pup stopped licking immediately, looking at me with an intense gaze. 'Gus it is!' I smiled as the young thing started to run around on the bed, exploring it before curling up on the animal hide. 'You'll need some sleep, Gus?' He yawned. 'Alright. Stay here until I am back.' I stood up, leaving the canine to rest. Quickly, I changed into my dry clothes and. At the bar, I ordered some ale and a sweetroll, stuffing them in my bag. I thought Relyn would appreciate my little surprise visit to him if it only meant getting something else than that horrible prison food. My hand hovered over a few lockpicks that laid on the counter. I chewed the inside of my cheek, pondering the outcomes that this could have. Without any other hesitation, I slipped them in my bag. 

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