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Yes, I said.

I finally said it.

I am jealous of you.

Does it make you feel happy now, that you seem to be doing so well at something I love.

Yeah sure, you may have the same feelings I do.

But I refuse to acknowlegde them when I am around you.

I see you

And I just want to wrap my fingers tightly around your neck.


But then... I remember that I am in public.

And I am pretty sure my counsellor told me not to murder anyone in public

Or was that, 'Never to murder at all.'

I 'm not so sure.

I hardly listen to the woman anyway.

What does she know about the feeling that is lodged deeply in my chest.

That burns me more everytime I see you?

Nothing see knows nothing.

 I want it.

Why do you have it?

I must have it.

I will take it.

It will be mine.


So because of the success of a very close-friend-of-mine's story. I have decided to write him a piece of poetry for every sin that his character has to fight. Or something along the lines of that. Dunno why I choose Jealousy first, but I know that Lust is the next to come.

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