First Date:

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Ponyboy Curtis: You and Pony went to the movies for your first date. It was so awkward and cute. Nether of you were really paying attention to the movie, you were to busy being nervous and trying to move closer together but being super shy.

Sodapop Curtis: Soda took you to a rodeo for your first date. He wasn't really concerned with the actual rodeo, he just wanted to check out the horses with you. You thought he was super cute petting all the pretty horses.

Darrel Curtis: Dates with Darryl never seemed to work out. Either he was working or you had something going on with college so you'd have to cancel your date. Finally you got tired of canceling so you packed a picnic basket and on Darry's lunch brake you went down to his work site and you had a picnic together on the grass.

Steve Randle: Your first date with Steve was at a car show. He'd been waiting a really long time to go to the show, but hadn't realized that it was happening on his only day off, the day he'd promised to finally take you out. So, knowing how much he wanted to go, you agreed to go with him. You thought all the cars were kinda cool, but your day was made just watching Steve's face light up with each new car he looked at.

Johnny Cade: Johnny wanted more than anything to be able to take you somewhere nice for your first date, but he just couldn't afford it. He was so embarrassed when he had to break the news to you that he didn't have any money. But to his surprise, you didn't care, you just wanted to spend time with him. So the two of you stuck around the Curtis house and played football with the guys.

Twobit Matthews: your first date with Twobit kind of happened by accident. You were out with a group of friends, not really having a good time. All they wanted to do was gossip and shop, which really wasn't for you. Twobit had been walking by, bored out of his mind when he saw you. He could you were just as bored as he was. So he figured, you guys could be bored together. He walks over to your group casually, catching your eye and make a gesture to the door with his head. You had no idea who he was, you'd seen him around school but that was it. But right then, you just wanted to get away from your friends. So you quietly grabbed your bag from the ground and tip toed towards him. As soon as you met up, you grabbed his hand and took off running.

Dallas Winston: Dally took you to Bucks for your first date. Surprise surprise. The place was kinda gross and smelled the beer and smoke, but you just wanted to spend time with Dally. He knew you were uncomfortable being there, so he didn't do a whole lot of drinking through the night. You spent most of the night dancing...and kissing.

Curly Sheppard: Your first date with Curly was a bit crazy. You guys had liked each other for a while but tried to hide your relationship due to your feuding older brothers. Eventually you guys were able to sneak off together, but neither of you had any money, so you just snuck into the theater when the lights went down. This became a regular occurrence with you two.

Bob Sheldon: Bob took you to a party at his friends house for your first date. You both loved dancing and he wanted you to meet his friends so you agreed to go to the party with him. You didn't think it'd be fun but you ended up having a pretty good time and loved seeing Bob let lose and be himself.

Randy Anderson: Randy was really nervous for your first date. He'd never been out with a greaser before and you weren't a big fan of socs so he wanted to show you that you could have a good time with him without worrying about getting jumped. The two of you ended up going to get ice cream. You ordered your favorite flavors for each other and ended up sitting at a picnic table talking and laughing for hours.

Hey guys,

I hope you enjoy this chapter. I actually had fun writing this one and don't think it turned out that bad, but if you read this and think it could use some work, let me know.

There will be more chapters added soon, on this story and others, so keep your eyes open!!!

If you'd like to see a chapter just for you with on certain character, please feel free to comment or message me a request. I'd love to hear from you guys!!



- LeotieChavez💖

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