First Kiss: Part 1

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Ponyboy Curtis: It kind of surprised you how upset Pony got by what those Soc boys said. You'd let it roll off your back but Pony was still talking about it when you reached the fence guarding your house. You'd been walking to the park with Ponyboy when a blue mustang pulled over and a group of Soc boys walked over to the two of you. Pony stood in front of you, you looked at the group over his shoulder, trying not to look scared. Being a Soc yourself, you knew these boys. You knew they were known for jumping Greasers. "What do you want?" Pony asked, sounding braver than you knew he was feeling. "We just have a question" the first boy said, grinning at you mischievously "what is a pretty little thing like you doing with a greaser like that?" The others laughed. "Why don't you just get out of here" you said holding on tightly to Pony's hand "he's not our kind, you don't belong with him" another boy said "and who do I belong with? You? Not a chance" you said. They started getting closer to you when a cop pulled up, doing is daily circle around the block. "We got a problem here kids?" The cop asked, the Socs started backing away from you "no sir, we were just leaving" the leader said. They started heading back to their car as the cop drove off "this isn't over" the lead Soc said out the window before driving away. Now you and Pony were standing in your drive way, no longer holding hands as you had been when the Socs confronted you. "They were right you know" Pony finally said, you looked at him confused "you're to good for me". You sighed, knowing you were eventually going to have this conversation with him. "Pony, I don't care what those boys said. I really like you, Greaser or not" you said, Pony wouldn't meet your eyes. Frustrated with how childish he was being, and wanting him to believe you really wanted to be with him, you gathered up all the nerve you had and leaned up and pecked him on the lips. Ponyboy eyes went wide as you quickly made you way to your front door. Before going inside you turned back to him. "I'll see you at school tomorrow" you said and went inside. Pony grinned from ear to ear as he made his way home.

Sodapop Curtis: You were sitting at the DX waiting for your boyfriend Soda's shift to end. You'd been dating Soda for about a month now and you already knew that you loved him. He was so kind and funny, hands down the sweetest guy you'd ever known. It was now five till six, which meant Soda's shift was over in five minutes. You couldn't wait. You didn't get to spend much time with him during the week because he worked all the time, so any time you could get with him was the best. You were sort of lost in thought when you heard lots of girls giggling and talking outside. You got up from your seat and went over to the window. It was a car full of Greaser girls talking with Soda as he pumped their gas. You could tell he most likely knew them from how they were talking. The girl driving was obviously flirting with Soda which made you a little uneasy but being the shy girl you were, you did nothing about it. 'He looks so happy with them' you thought. You knew nothing would happen with Soda and the girl, he was to kind hearted and nice to cheat or anything like that, but it still made you feel bad. 'Why doesn't he ever act all flirty with me?' You thought. Though you knew Soda liked you and your relationship had been getting pretty serious over the last month, something worried you. Maybe he didn't like you as much as he said he did. He hadn't even kissed you yet. 'Maybe I'm not pretty enough' 'maybe he just doesn't want to kiss me' these thought constantly went through your head. You sat back down in your seat feeling sorry for yourself as Soda made his way back inside. As soon as the door was shut he removed his hat and let out a tired sigh. He smiled and made his way over to you. "You ready to get outta here doll?" He asked, leaning against the counter. Looking at him smiling sweetly at you, you couldn't hold it in anymore. "Soda, do you think I'm pretty?" You asked, Soda chuckled as if you just asked him the silliest question ever. He went over and got a coke out of the cooler. "Of course I think you're pretty. Why would you ask that?" He said on the stool next to you and taking a big gulp of his coke. You shrugged "well I saw how you acted with those girls out there. All flirty and stuff. Why don't you ever do that with me?" You asked "I wasn't flirting" he said. You looked down at the floor, knowing you weren't going to get out what you wanted to. "You okay?" Soda asked, you nodded "I just think you like them better than me" you said shyly. Soda got up from his seat and chuckled. He made his way over to you and kneeled down in front or you, looking deeply into your eyes. "That's crazy Y/N" Soda said "no its not" you said, tearing up slightly. You looked away from Soda and sighed "Soda, you've never even kissed me" you said. Soda sighed, not knowing what to say. "You don't want to kiss me do you?" You asked, trying not to cry. "That's not it Y/N" Soda said "then what is it?" You asked. Soda took your hand in his "I've only been in one relationship before. I feel in love with her and gave her my heart...then she broke it" Soda said. You looked up at him "it took a lot of time to get over what she did to me. You're the first girl I've ever taken a chance with since then and I care about you a lot". You couldn't help but grin at that last part. "I haven't kissed you because I know that if I do, it'll just confirm what I already feel. I'm in love with you and I'm scared you'll hurt me like she did" Soda couldn't meet your eyes anymore. You placed your hand on his cheek gently and he looks up at you. You smile kindly. "I will never hurt you Soda" you said as he leaned into your hand "I love you to". He smiled as what you said kicked in. Without a second thought he leaned up and captured your lips with his.

Darrel Curtis: You'd never had so much fun in your life. Being at the Curtis house playing football with the gang in the front yard. Best day ever. Darry had been a little nervous about you coming to the house and meeting his family, with you being a Soc he knew you hadn't really ever been with a guy like him. However, all his fears were put to rest as soon as you walked in the house. The boys all loved you, including Dally. Now he stood close by watching as you chased Pony around the yard trying to get the ball from him. Finally you got the ball and started running for a touchdown. Darry ran your way and grabbed you around the waist just as you were about to score. Darry's team cheered as you turned around the face him, his arms around your waist. "Caught you" he said low enough for only you to hear "I'm happy to be caught" you said with a smile. He smiled back and leaned into you. The boys all cat called around you as Darry smiled into the kiss.

Steve Randle: "I'm telling you man, she's no good" Dally said to Steve as they looked at Y/N and her friends outside the DX window. She'd stopped by after school to get gas and Soda had beat Steve to the pump. "You don't know what you're talkin' about Dally" Steve said not even bothering to look at Dally, to busy looking at you "She loves me. She told me she did" he defended, Dally scoffed. "Yeah, that's what she told you" He said. Steve looked over at him aggrivatedly, Dally put his hands up "I'm just trying to protect you man". "I don't need you to protect me" Steve said looking back out the window. His stomach flipped when he saw you coming towards the store. "She's coming, be nice" Steve said, heading to the cash register. You walked in through the door, a beautiful smile on your face. "Hey there boys" you said "hey Y/N" Steve said trying to sound cool. You walk over to the register, the money you own for the gas in your hand. "Here you go" you said handing Steve the money. He was about to say something when your car horn sounded from outside. You glanced outside before looking back at Steve "I guess I gotta go" you said, Steve nodded "yeah, I'll see you around" he said, you nodded with an apologetic smile. You backed up and started heading for the door. Steve looked down at the ground, noting wanting you or Dally to see his disappointment. Just when he thought you were out the door, you rushed over and gave him a quick peck on the lips. His eyes came up to meet yours and you smiles shyly. "See you later" you said and headed out the door. Steve smiled and turned towards Dally, who had went quiet.
"She loves me".


Hey guys,
I'm really sorry I haven't updated in forever, I've just had a major case of writers block. But hopefully I'm back for a while! I'm getting some ideas together.

Sorry this is so long, I wasn't expecting it to take this turn. The rest of the boys will be in the part 2 coming your way very soon.

Anyway I hope you like this chapter and if you have any requests or any ideas of how the other boys first kisses should go, pleas comment or message me!

Also before I forget, I made a collage of what I see the boys looking like when the first kiss went down. Aren't they cute?!

Let me know what y'all think. Thanks for reading!


-LeotieChavez 💖

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