Dallas Winston Imagine

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For FlannelsandPinetrees

I could barely hold in my excitement as I ran up the steps of the Curtis house, knowing all my friends would be here. I almost collapsed as I made it in the front door, having ran all the way from school. "What's up spaz" Twobit said laughing as his sat down on the couch by Dally. "You guys are never gonna believe this" you said, breathing heavily, sitting on the couch beside TwoBit "Mark asked me to prom today!" you said excitedly (AN/ I know Mark isn't a first choice name but I wanted to go with a name that went with the times. If you don't like it, let me know and I'd be happy to change it to something you'd prefer). Mark Billings was the cutest guy in school. He was captain of the football team, had a killer smile and gorgeous blue eyes. You'd had a crush on him for the longest time, but he'd never seemed to notice you. Until today anyway.

 "You go girl" TwoBit said laughing, making all the others laugh to. All the guys started congratulating you all at once as you shared your exciting news with them. They all knew you had a crush on him. Everyone seemed excited about it besides your best friend Dally. As the excitement died down, you looked over at Dally, who had barely said a word since you'd walked in the door. "You okay?" you asked, he just continued to look down at the ring on his right hand "I thought you didn't wanna go to prom" he said, you shrugged "well I didn't at first but now that Mark's asked I do". Dally nodded once and got up from his seat, "Dally" you said but he just continued to walk away.

Prom was just a week away and you could not have been more excited. "I still have to buy a dress" you said as you walked to school with Ponyboy and Johnny "how you gonna afford it?" Johnny asked "I took an extra shift at the diner so I've been saving up a lot. I wont be able to get anything real fancy or anything but better than anything I already own" you said, making the boys laugh. After school you went back to the Curtis house with Pony and Johnny. When you got there, Dally, Soda and Steve were hanging out in the front yard. "Hey guys" you said "Hey Kaila, you talk to your little boyfriend at school today?" Soda teased, Dally scoffed and looked down the street, not really wanting to have anything to do with this conversation. you chuckled at Soda's joke "he's not my boyfriend, yet" you said making the guys laugh "but I have high hopes for prom". "I'm outta here" Dally said and started walking away, you looked at the guys questioningly, everyone shrugged, not knowing what was up. You decided to follow Dally. "Hey" you said catching up with him "what?" he said not looking at you, "what's your problem lately, every time I bring up prom or Mark you get all offensive and stuff" you said "I'm not offensive, I'm just tired of hearing about your little Soc boyfriend". You rolled your eyes "of course that's what's bothering you. You know, it's pretty hypocritical of you to say that you don't want the Socs to talk smack about us, but you turn around and do the same thing about them" you said, Dally stopped walking and turned to you "he's not good enough for you Kaila" Dally said, his voice slightly raised. He walked away before you had a chance to say anything else.

Finally, prom night! You sat at the Curtis house waiting for Mark to arrive. You'd decided to wait with them instead of at your house because you knew you'd be nervous and the guys had always been good at keeping you calm. You sat on the front porch in your ruffled pink dress, feeling completely ridiculous, having never worn a dress before in your life, but knowing you looked decent in it. Mark was late, about a half an hour late to be exact. The more time that went by, the more nervous you got. Every passing car made your heart race then sink when you'd see that it wasn't him. You were getting more and more nervous when you felt someone sit down beside you. You looked over. Dally. He gave you a slight smile as he got comfortable beside you. "How you doin' Kales?" he asked using his little nickname for you (AN/ If there is something else you prefer to be called. Let me know and I'll change this!) "I'm fine, why?" you lied "cause you've pretty much made a meal of your finger nails" he said chuckling. You sighed and looked at your lap "I just want this night to be perfect Dally. I've never been to prom before. I bought this stupid dress and put make up on" you said playing with one of the ruffles at the bottom of your dress "I really like him and I'm nervous". Dally was about to say something when a red Mustang pulled up in front of the Curtis house. You smiled "it's Mark" you said getting up form your spot beside Dally. You went down the steps to meet Mark half way. "Hey I'm sorry I'm late. You look amazing" Mark said, you blushed and looked at your feet "thank you". "Who is that?" Mark asked, looking behind you, you turned and smiled "that's my best friend Dally" you said Mark gave Dally a slight nod "how's it goin'" he said. Dally just glared at him. 'If looks could kill' you thought. Trying to save yourself from the awkwardness you turned back to Mark "you ready?" you asked "yeah lets get going" he said, offering you his arm and leading you to his car.

Well to put it simply, prom wasn't all you'd made it out to be. The music was terrible and there was no good food (AN/ Real prom problems Dude!) You'd been sitting by yourself at your table for what seemed like forever. Mark was no where to be found. One dance and he was gone. "Where is he?" you said quietly to yourself. After a few more minutes you'd decided to go looking for him. You honestly just wanted to go home at this point. You made your way outside, still no sign of Mark, thunder rumbling in the distance. You went behind the school, thinking he might be back there with his friends. That seemed to be the place where the guys went. When you got back there, you could hardly hold in the tears. Mark was there alright. Practically eating some girls face. Not wanting to face him, you just turned around and started walking up the street. He'd never notice you left.

The tears started streaming as you made your way to the lot. You didn't have the heart to go home, have your parents ask why you were home to early, and have to tell them why. But you also didn't want to go to the Curtis house, where no doubt Dally would be waiting to say 'I told you so'. The rain started pouring down as you got to the lot. Wiping off the make up from your face and taking the barrette out of your hair. After a while, the tears stopped. You still felt like crap but were done crying. The rain was still pouring and you were completely soaked from head to toe but you really didn't care. The headlights the started shinning in your face were the only thing to break you out of the daze you were in. At first you thought it was Mark but were surprised to see it was actually Dally. "What are you doing?" Dally asked, the rain letting up slightly. "What's it look like?" you asked Dally was quiet "I'm feeling sorry for myself". Dally sat down beside you "what happened?" he asked you shook your head, knowing that telling him would just start trouble. Dally poked your side "what's wrong?" he asked "nothing" you said quietly, Dally sighed and started tickling your sides, making you laugh "stop Dally" you said through your laughter "tell me what's wrong and I will". Your sides were starting to hurt so you just gave up. "Fine I'll tell you" you said, Dally stopped tickling you. You sighed, beginning to feel the tears in your eyes again. "I caught Mark with another girl at the prom" you said quietly, Dally's eyes went cold. You chuckled to yourself, all your emotions starting to come out. "I just feel really stupid you know? Like a guy like him was ever really interested in me" you said, not meeting Dally's eyes "I spent like three pay checks on a dress that I'll never get to wear again, wore make up and spent an hour on my hair" you continued, laughing to yourself. "Now look at me" you said gesturing to your rain soaked dress and hair "I'm ridiculous". Dally grabbed your hand, you lifted up your head to meet his eyes. "He had no idea what he's missing out on Kaila" he said gently, you looked down at your lap with a shy smile "your are incredibly beautiful and funny and the biggest dork I've ever met in my whole life" he continued making you chuckle "it's his loss not yours". You couldn't help the smile on your face "thanks Dally" you said and leaned up to kiss his cheek. Dally went noticeably stiff when your lips met his cheek. 

After a minute, he got his wits about him and smiled down at you. A blush crept up on your face as he snaked his arm around your shoulder "anytime" he said. Before you could even let yourself think about it, you leaned over and pressed your lips to Dally's in a short but sweet kiss. As you sat up straight again, you couldn't believe what you'd just done. You just kissed your best friend, he'd probably run for the hills now. You were about to say something when Dally smashed his lips against yours. You smiled as you parted. "You have no idea how long I've waited to do that" he said as you rested your foreheads together.

Maybe this night wasn't so bad after all.

Well there you go! I feel like this wasn't my best work but it was only my first request so I promise I'll get better haha!

At any rate, I worked hard on it and Kaila I genuinely hope you enjoy this! If there is anything you don't like or want changed, comment or message me and I will change it. It won't hurt my feelings, it's your request so you should be happy with it.

Ps. Sorry it's so long.

Thanks so much



- LeotieChavez 💖

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