Chapter 2 - Moving house again

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It was the day after the ball. I Still had no idea how to feel about the whole situation. I don't know if I want to know my dad. I went downstairs and my mum was sitting on the sofa with a huge hang over. She was so drunk she cant even remember most of the night. I walked right past her and went out the door. I couldn't stand to even look at her. I just kept walking and walking having no clue where I was going.

It was around seven o'clock before I went back home. I walked up the small pathway to the front door. I walked in the house and there he was, sitting on my couch whilst my mum handed him a glass of scotch. My mum held her hand out motioning for me to go and sit down. I went over to the couch and poured myself a glass of scotch and sat down awkwardly. I felt quite nervous. My mum was already tipsy which was no surprise. I looked at the man that was sitting across from me. There was no denying that he was my dad I looked just like him.  We sat for hours just talking. He didn't seem as bad as what my mum described him to be. He was quite nice. It was coming to the end of the night. Just before he was about to leave he told me that he wanted me to come and live with him. I objected immediately and slammed the door in his face. Why would he want me to go live with him? He didn't care about me the first 15 years of my life why the sudden interest now?.

The next morning my mum told me we were going to go out. I went upstairs and put on a red skater dress with black dolly shoes and a black leather jacket. I left my hair down natural and put bright red lipstick on. We got in the car and my mum started to drive. I was to busy thinking about the events of last night to notice where we were actually going. Before I knew it we were outside his mansion. I turned and looked at my mum. Anger running through me out of control. "Trust me" she said in  a calm voice. We got out the car and walked up to the white mansion. My mum went to knock on the door but before she could it swung open and a man wearing a black suit answered the door. He welcomed us into the mansion. "Nice to see you again Kate" He said in a low husky voice. He came up to me and shook my hand. " My names Elijah and you must be Kiera". I didn't know what to say back so I just nodded my head and smiled at him politely. We showed us into the dining room. There was a fancy table set with five plates set. "Come, sit please" Elijah said as he sat down beside a blonde girl that was filling her nails. She looked up at me and dropped her nail file. " She looks just like him". She said whilst standing up analyzing me. "I'm Rebekah your auntie" She said whilst pushing me over to a chair beside hers. Sitting at a table with complete strangers wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be. We talked as if we have known each other for years.

A we while later Klaus came through with people behind him carrying big plates of food. "A feast for a very special occasion." We all sat around the table like a big family. It felt right. It was the best meal I've had in ages. My mums never been much of a cook. Shes always been to drunk by tea time. "Now down to business" Klaus said whilst he looked at my mum. I looked at her confused. Elijah and Rebekah got up and left the table. "What business?" I questioned them. "Me and your dad think its best...." My mum started to say. "My dad? he is NOT my dad!" I quickly butted in before she could go on. "We think its best that you come live here with me" Klaus continued. "With you?!" I shouted while getting up out of my chair.  I ran out the house into the front garden. My mum came out after me. "Its best for all of us if you come and live here. There are some really bad people out there. People that are after you. That's why we move around a lot."  she said. "I can look after myself" I said in a snidey tone. She looked at me and started crying. "I'm moving away and you're going to stay here and have an almost normal life. Go to school, make friends and anything you want to do". " I want to stay with you" I said. My eyes filling with tears. " She gave me a big cuddle and whispered in my ear " Your place is here now. You deserve better than an alcoholic as a mother". We just stood there for ages cuddling. "Its time for me to go". She got in her car and drove away. I was heart broken my own mother just abandoned me. I couldn't imagine a life without her.  I went back inside and my dad was standing there. He showed me to my new room. It was the best room I had ever had. It was full of fancy furniture, a walk in wardrobe full of clothes and a huge king sized bed all to my self.  I got changed into a pair of pj's wiped all my make-up off and just lay in bed thinking. unable to sleep.

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