imagine 2

310 7 3

Your p.o.v
"Steve" i called out to my twin brother, who was still alseep. He growled. "Ugh what" he said. "Soda is here. You have work today" i told him. He groaned before literally rolling out of bed. I laughed at him and walked downstairs. I sighed. "Hopefully he will be down soon." i said to soda, who was now on our couch. "Ok thanks (Y/N)." he said. He gave me his wonderful, one of a kind smile. I felt my heart melt. I might of had a little- ok a huge crush on soda. But he would never love anyone like me. Not after i started dated dally. He probably thinks im a slut. We stood there in silence for a few minutes until steve came down. He smirked at me. He is the only person who knows i like soda. "You ready buddy" soda asked. Steve nodded and they left. I sighed. I had nothing to do, so i went to the curtis house. I walked in and saw everyone but sofa and steve. Dally walked up to me and smiled. "Hey doll" he said. I smiled and sat on his lap. A couple hours later i took a walk by myself. I walked to the lot and just stared at the stars. I lost track of time so i ran home. The whole gang was there and i was starting to get worried. Ive never been in trouble before. Steve makes sure of it. I slowly walked in. Soda and steve shot up. They didnt look to happy. "What the hell (Y/N). Where were you." soda yelled. Steve slowly sat down as soda kept going. "What if you got hurt. Or even killed. WHAT THEN" he yelled. I rolled my eyes. I was in the lot looking at stars. And why do you care so much soda" i snapped. He sighed and locked eyes with me. "Because i love you (Y/N)" said. You looked around and saw that dally wasnt even there. The whole gang gasped and i felt my ears and cheeks getting hot. Soda just looked at me and i smiled. "Soda ive had feeling for you since you helped me on my first day of work. When that soc was bothering me. You helped me and ive loved you ever since" i said he smiled and walked towards me. "Then do me a favor" he said. "What" i asked. "Leave dally" he told me. I nodded and be crashed his lips on to mine. I felt sparks. It was the perfect kiss. Filled with love, and care. When we pulled away he rested his corehead on mine. "I love you (Y/N)" sida said. "I love you too soda" i said. It felt perfect, but there was only one problem. I have to tell dally.....

                      Authors note

Hey guys. This chapter sucked butt and i know it. Im really sorry and i will make them better. Enjoy my story and comment if i made a mistake, or if you want an imagine.

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