imagine part 2: telling dallas

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Soda's p.o.v
I finally told (Y/N) that i like her. It was eating me up. Ive liked her since the day i met her. And i told myself all the time. "She will never love a dumb dropout like you. Your too nice. She is into bad people like dally". But now she is mine. "Its about time" steve said. We both looked at him and glared. The whole gang except for dally was there. I cant beleive that he didnt come after we called him. Im just glad she left him for me. Ive been waiting for thus day for a LONG time.
Your p.o.v
"I have to go. Ill be right back" i told everyone. I think they knew what i was gonna do because they let me leave. I walked to bucks and immediately smelled the horrible aroma of alcohol and ciggerats. I walked in and saw dally at the bar. I walked over to him and tapped him.on the shoulder. "Hey babe" he said. "Wee need to go outside and talk" i told him. We walked out and i stood in front of him. "Dally. I dont want to be with you anymore. I like someone else" i told him. I saw anger in his eyes. "Who" he said. "S-soda" i said kind of scared. He always scared me when he was upset. He locked eyes with me before i felt a sting on my cheek and heard a loud 'SMACK'. I fell to the floor holding my cheek, tears in my eyes. "Bitch" i heard him mumble. He walked off leaving me there. I gor up and ran to my house. Soda was sitting on the porch. I ran to him and he looked mad. "Who did that to you" he said. "D-dally" i said. I heard him growl before pulling me close. "Its ok." he told me. He carried me bridle style and walked inside. I was getting tired, so before my head hut the pillow in my bedroom, i was asleep.
Soda's p.o.v
I watched as (Y/N) fell asleep. I went back downstairs with my fists clenched. "Whats wrong" everyone asked. "He hit her." i said. They all went wide-eyed. "HE TOUCHED MY SISTER" steve yelled. "Im gonna fins him. And im gonna hurt him" i said through gritted teeth. "Not right now. She needs you." darry said. I nodded. I walled back upstairs and looked at her sleeping. The bruise was already forming. I slipped into bed with her and wrapped my arms safely around her. She snuggled into my chest. I fell asleep to her breathing. Before i fell asleep, i had one mission on my mind. To get dally back for what he did.

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