What to do now?

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My heart starts racing and my palms get sweaty. I don't know why this man does this to me, shit were just texting.. be cool Tiana just write him back.




The last thing I need is for this niggah to come snooping around school and have all these bxtchez talking about me. They don't know me and I'd like to keep it that way, plus I've already decided that we are gonna keep it strictly business. I need to stay focused.


See what I'm talking about creepy as fuck, Ima leave his ass on read. Remind me to kill Miko's ass he's the only one that would give my number out, my crew knows better.


My classes end and I'm walking to the bus stop, I'm about to call precious to check on Neek Neek when a group of students crowded in one area and loud music catches my eye. I decide to be nosey. As I approach the crowd my mouth damn near drops, SHIT it does drop . In the center of all this fuckery is the very man himself KING . Who the fuck does this niggah think he his. Girls are flocked around him and I'm standing there with this disgusted look on my face. I've had enough, I turn to leave and we briefly make eye contact, I rush to get away when I hear heavy foot steps behind me. Then I feel a hand yank me , I ended up facing King.

"Yo Tee Tee make that ya last time lying to me. If you wanna rise to the top stop playing these childish ass games. Now get in the truck so I can take you to Burtha, we got a meeting"

"Niggah I got a bus card, I don't need you to do shit for me!" That's when I knew I fucked up. King in swift motion is standing an inch from me, his mouth coming to my ear. I can feel his breath tingling my ear making a chill down my spine. I feel like I'm gonna faint.

"When I tell you to do something, I mean do it. Don't make me have to show you what happens to niggahs that disobey me. Now get yahh pretty ass in that truck for I fuck you up" he said sternly .

I felt all the life drain from me. I cut my eyes at him, then I walk to his truck and pass all those ppl. I can hear them whisper "is that wifey?", "Is that the girl he said was wifey?"

WIFEY I'm thinking in my head ! Hell naww niggah! We gonna establish some boundaries! King walks over to the crowd and starts to dap people up and say his goodbyes. He gets in the car.

The drive is silent

We get to Burtha and Miko is already inside waiting.

"Wassup Pretty Tee " he greets me with a huge grin !

"Wassup Miko the Feeko" we dap each other!

"Let's get to business" king says , damn whats wrong with him.

We discuss protocol and routes for me as a lieutenant. But the whole time we're there I get this leery feeling so I check on Neek Neek and she's fine, I shrug it off.

Kings is driving me home and where discussing more about my position. We pull up at my block and something just don't feel right to me. I get out the car and King follows.

"Where you going ?"I ask him

"Man chill with that, you think I don't know where you live already." He says as if he's irritated .

We walk to my apartment and on the way I see my landlord Mr.Jones

"Hey Tiana, you know rents due tomorrow. I was just making my rounds."

"Yea I know Mr.Jones" I say with an eye roll , man people don't play about there money !! I get to my apartment and I notice the handle is broken. King immediately pulls out his glock and pushes me to the side . We go in , me after him and my place is ransacked!! The couches torn, everything turned over as if someone was looking for something. I immediately run to my room. When I get there I find a mess all my clothes thrown everywhere, my mattress cut open, my eyes fall on the vent. The vent is gone which means my money is gone. I fall to the floor and cry. Kings comes up behind me.

"What's Wrong Tee?" He asked concerned

"It's all gone" I whisper

"What's all gone? He asks

"My money!!! my money for tuition, rent and to re-up!!! It's all gone!"

My eyes light up! It's only one person that could be behind this shit. It's only one person that would do me like this !


The Streets rasied me, but he saved me. (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now