Searching For Closure

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It's a Friday night and where all watching a movie. I like times like this, normally I would be on the block on Friday's because that's when the day most niggahs get their checks. When you trap as hard as I did, then you rarely have any days off. Being here with King has given me more time to spend with my niece, I have more time to study... Kings cell ringing breaks my thoughts, he gets up to take his call in the room. Hmmm the fuck is that about.Me being nosey I get up to go eavesdrop, and I put my ear to his door.

"So you found Marla where again?" King asks in frustration

"Wait and she had that kinda cash on her. Why didn't he just kill her?" King says again

"Keep her there I'm coming, and call the meeting NOW!" He yells into the phone

I can hear him start to fumble with his drawers so I walk in.

"Who was that?" I ask real sligh

"Jeff with some last minute shit" he replied. But then he pulls an all black outfit out his draw, down to the black timbs. Now he playing me dumb.

"So why you dressing in all black like you about to go on the block or something?" I ask

"Stop questioning me! I'm about to go take care of some business of which your not apart of anymore." He answers with a little to much base for me. I was really taken aback. Now we back to square one with the yelling, I understand your stressed all but don't bring it here my niggah. I think frustrating my damn self!

Here it is

"Chill with the Base in your voice King , all I asked you was a fucking question!!! I know where your fucking going and she's my mom I deserve to be there !" I say

" you don't deserve shit, she fucking with my money not yours" he says

" have you forgotten she stole from me too, I'm going" I say

Quick on his heels he backs me into the wall
"You not goin no fucking were and my word is my bond, when I come back home I expect you to be here" he says with vengeance in his eyes. He turns round and walks out of the room and out of the apartment

He forgot who the the fuck I was, if he thought I was staying in this house while he gets the chance to kill Marla....

Then he thought wrong!

I lace up my fucking sneakers and I take Neek Neek to the neighbors house.

I get to the warehouse and I sneak in. Why do I sneak in, I guess I'm really afraid of King, but today must've been my lucky day.. When I walk into the first room guess who I see tied to a chair.


For a split second my anger disappears and I feel sorry for her. Seeing her in that chair did something to me and if You didn't know better you would've thought she was dead. She looked nothing like I remembered. The last time I saw her she was pretty bad off then, but the lady before my eyes was just gruesome. She is so frail and torn, I just knew she was near death .Her Clothes were so tattered and dirty.

But then I thought about all the shit she put me through and then rage took over. I walk right up to that bxtch and and I slap her ass! She jumps awake, eyes wide.

"Hey Mama" I deviously say to her "or should I say you fucking piece of shit. Should've known you were plotting on me, your own daughter" I say


"ANSWER ME !" I yell

She start to talk barely above a whisper "I should've aborted you when I had the chance. You fucked up my life, I had already had one child and I didn't need another one."

I just stare at her, my heart pounding. I'm ready to kill her I don't need to hear this shit. lucky for her I bought King's 9 millimeter with the silencer attachment I found in his drawer.

"You were a rape baby, and I hated the sight of you. I tried so hard to love you, but lucky for you, you were your brothers prize possession. He loved you the moment he laid eyes on you so he took care of you."She confessed

I paused for a moment. And with that little bit of information I had figured it all out. She was a sick fuck, and now I didn't have one ounce of remorse for her!

"I don't care about any of that!!! I had all the love I could ask for from Trell! You knew what you were doing that night, and you didn't have to do me like that. You knew Trell would take care of your habit but you hated me that much that you wanted me to suffer as much as you did when you were raped. The sad part about it was I never asked for your love or affection, I never asked you for anything!!! you were jealous of the relationship that me and Trell had. You set him, up your own son. You knew that would devastate me, for that and everything you have done to me you have to pay the ultimate price" I raise the gun with tears dripping from my eyes ! I can say once as a little girl I loved this women . I was happy I had Trell to care for me. He used to tell me that her mind was sick and that she would love me soon but that day never came and I grew up.

"Go ahead and do it, I don't regret any of it. Trell was gonna kill me anyway, he was a cold hearted son-of a bitch and I was worth nothing to him! So yea I made a deal with his friends, his life and territory in exchange for your pussy." She retorted


One in the head and two in the heart, the one she never had in the first plac....

" tie him up next to her ass, I'm gonna show y'all what I do to rats who think they can get over on m...."

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE" king yells at me, he doesn't even give me a chance to answer before he start in again on my ass.

" I thought I fucking told you to stay at home too fucking hard headed!" He yells

Tie his ass up he yells to the men. Just totally disregarding the fact that I killed Marla.

Go stand over there he says to me through a closed mouth . He then turns to Devonte, Miko's friend .

King stoops to face level with Devonte "You Miko's best friend so to speak. I know you know something" he says

" I don't know nothing" Devonte says

"Welp since you got amnesia, I'll try to help you remember. Get my chain saw" he says to Jeff

He begins to cut Devonte's fingers off one by one until he was ready to to confess.

"Mann I swear I had nothing to do with it!! I will tell you everything!!" He starts to cry as he's yelling out . " Dino the new niggah came in offering Miko a sweet deal as his right hand man. Dino knew that Miko knew the city and that he was easily persuasive. But Miko man , he wanted more! He was tryna go into business for him self , so he thought up this master plan of setting both of y'all up to take each other out. I wasn't with it , I wasn't gonna turn on you King! Dino found out and that's when he took Miko out. he had already had your routes and stuff" Devonte cried.

He was a snitch, ratted on his own manz. King would've killed him either way but I guess he was definitely dead now. King hated rats and disloyalty, Devonte was both.

King stood unphased listening to the information but me and everyone else in the room were fucking heated!

"What's Dino's real name?" King answered

"I don't know , but I do know that it begins with a D." Answered

Where he stay

"I don't know man" he confessed

King nods to Jeff , he turns around and grabs me and drags me to the car.

It's gonna be a long ride.

The Streets rasied me, but he saved me. (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now