Chapter Three.

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Mika's P.O.V.

"Two years, I have been in this company, faced every one and beaten them and in those two years I have never been given a title opportunity. I was never given the chance to hold the 'prestigious' Divas Championship. Yes me, the renown Queen of the indies, the girl who fell through tables and climbed top ropes, has been forced into the sidelines because she didn't want to play the puppet of the authority, to be used as eye candy and nothing more. My opportunities have been going to that man-diva Kaitlyn and that dancing queen Summer Rae, both who know jackshit about wrestling but could give you a whole tutorial on makeup, while the real underdogs, like myself, Naomi and Paige just left with nothing else." The crowd was cheering me on and frankly, at this point in time I was getting really angry.

"All you're seeing each week are two minute matches, with a bunch of bimbos just throwing each other around, afraid to get their makeup messed up and botch the hell away. This sickens me that this is how far we've come. From the incredible Fabulous Moolah, Mae Young, Lita, Jacqueline, Trish and Victoria to Kaitlyn, Summer Rae, Eva Marie and Cameron."

"Do you know why this is happening, I'll tell you why. Two reasons. One because those people were glad handing douchebags who knew how to Suck up to the right people. Oh they know how to please the authority very well. And Two, the image, there is this certain image that your children have been exposed to. The image of the clean cut good guy, the superhero, the one who can do no wrong. Like John Cena. This image has always overshadowed the every day guy and gal, the hardworkers, the high flyers, the tough sons of bitches like myself and CM Punk." Cheers erupted for a brief moment before it quieted down waiting for me to continue talking.

"So I sit in this squared circle here tonight, to ask one favour, just one favour of that corporate bastard Vince McMahon. I would like you to give me a title opportunity and I would like you to give me it now. I just gonna sit here and wait."

Raw went on commercial and I just sat in the ring, the cameracrew rushed around to film me for the WWE App. I wonder what Punk would say about my little pipebomb. The head camera man started counting again.











The light flashed on the end of the camera and we came back live on tv. I continued to stare at the entrance ramp. A few seconds later, a young man with a grey blazer came struting from behind the curtain. Brad Maddox. Is this how they're gonna play it having me go through the lowest man first? He stepped into the ring and caught the look of disdain on my face and immediately  started trembling. He brought the mic to his mouth and opened it to say something before I cut him off.

"Look, I came out here to talk to Vince Mcmahon, not one of the glad handing yes-men he has running around Kissing his ass. So I suggest that you turn around, go up that ramp, find Vince and tell him to get his old ass out here." The crowd cheered while Brad just stood there looking scared out of his mind. 

'"It's all about the game and how you play it,"  You've got to be shitting me. I never agreed to this. Triple H made his way down the ramp, walking the long green mile with a look of steel in his eyes

"Now Ms Khan," He started but I am not in the mood for any boring ass promo so I just stopped him there.

"What are you out here to bury me? There's a shovel right underneath here somewhere. But let me ask you this. Is it your own decision or did you come out here on your wife's orders?" I sneered. He started turning red and looked ready to blow. The next person who decided to make an appearance was Stephanie McMahon.

"Now Mika, I don't think that you would make the ideal champion. You are not the right person to portray WWE's idea of a champion. You're too coarse, too hardcore to be the dainty Diva's Champion we want. You're a disgrace." What the Fuck is this?

"I'm not the right person? Me? A disgrace? Let me ask you this. Who was it that had Triple H and one Kurt Angle attack Lita to help her gain the women's championship? Who was it? Oh yeah! It was you! Now tell me you Billion Dollar Bitch, am I lying?" I jeered at her while she stared daggers at me. The crowd was on their feet as we stared each other down she was not letting down on me.

"Great Ms Khan, this is the fire I wanted," So the bastard finally decided to make an appearance.

"Is it?" I asked eyebrow raised

"Yes it is. I went over your proposals and I say yes. You are going to get your championship opportunity at Summerslam." He smirked. Oh god there's a catch.

"But what?" I asked tentatively.

"Now you will be escorted out of the building, think of this as punishment for disrupting my show," He sang as six burly security men came from behing the curtains. They entered the ring with menacing looks on there faces. I looked at them with a false smile on my face before the lights went off. I slinked out of the ring and made my way up the ramp. The lights came on back and the crowd erupted in Mika chants

"Okay I'll leave but on my tems. Just know that in three weeks at Summerslam I will be Diva's champion because no one can match the wrath of Khan." I dropped the mic and headed behind the curtains

I did it!!!

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