Chapter Sixteen

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Mika's P.O.V

Oh my god, she's back. My heart beat hard against my chest. I ran my hand throught my dark locks

And then she crossed the curtain. Even the referee is scared now, he gave me a look that said 'you're on your own in this one.'

But I was surprised. This was not the woman who left the company 3 years ago. This was not the woman who made the others not want to come to the ring. No. She looked slightly smaller and leaner and definitely more lethal. Probably her time in Japan has made her sharper. But nothing could stop that flame in her eye. Determination

As she entered the ring, a man from the crowd behind me, screamed

"You're screwed, sweet cheeks,"

"I'm pretty sure of it," I shouted back. He laughed and saluted me. I saluted back

She got into the ring and stared at me with unforgiving eyes. The referee rang the bell and we locked up. She threw me out of the ring showing off her superior strength and size.

I ran back into the ring, hoping that I could've at least limped out on my own


"Do you want wholewheat lasgna?" Phil asked stopping infront of the pasta aisle.

His ribs are still bandaged and his wrist still strapped but other than that he's fine. The bags are no longer under his eyes and he looks healthy, which is saying alot since he was on the verge of looking like a corpse two weeks ago. Wednesdays have always been good to me. This Wednesday was extra special. Last week I defeated Kharma by somewhat of a miracle ( and by miracle I mean I actually got a chance to knock her out with a sleeper hold ) and this Monday I defeated a returning Kelly Kelly, which was kind of an insult to me because after Karma's epic return, their going to make me face a returning Barbie doll?

Insulting WWE, very insulting.

I got a call from creative and they gave me the rest of the week off. Normally I'd be suspicious but at this point I really don't care as long as I have time together with Phil.

"Yes please I heard it goes good with the vegetables," I called back.

"I didn't even know you could've cooked," He said

"Yeah well it surprises me sometimes too," I laughed,"I find it to be one of my redeeming qualities, that and my abnormally huge ass."

"All my other girlfriends could not have cooked as good as you and have a nice ass at the same time,"He smirked

"My boys could never run their mouths like you." I retorted.

"I'll take that as a complement," He replied

"It was meant as one," I smiled

I felt arms snake around my waist. A smirk came across my face as his lips brushed my neck.

"Do you know we've been dating for almost two months now?" He asked

"Really, I didn't know that," I replied sarcastically,"I thought we were just sleeping by each other's houses just because."

"Funny," He said with a fake smile,"But somewhat accurate."

"And you now want to spend our anniversary by making out in the supermarket?" I asked eyebrows raised

"It would be different," He smiled.

"I don't think so, we'd be scarring the vegetables for life," I cheeked

"Well you have to admit it would be nice," He replied. I laughed at him and headed to the front.

We paid for our groceries and walked back to his apartment, the cool breeze and the warm sun making the walk even better.

"I have something to do, can you follow me?" He asked stopping suddenly as of someone built a wall infront of him.

"Yeah sure," I offered, unsure of where this was going

We continued walking, way past his apartment. Many, many, many people recognised us and waved but no one asked for pictures or autographs and I don't want to sound bad but I'm actually relieved. Most times we're hounded by fans and Phil almost always comes of as rude, but it's just hard dealing with people sometimes.

After five minutes of walking, We stopped at this cute little building at the end of the street. He went in first and I followed, the little bell ringing overhead. It was like I was thrown from the city into a quaint story book but immediately my heart melted.

It was an animal shelter.

The cutest dogs, hamsters and cats were in here and Phil was up front talking to who I assume is the owner of the place.

"Why did you come here?" I asked geniunely confused.

"I was thinking as a gift to you for our anniversary, we can adopt a pet," He smiled at me. I hugged him excitedly, then remebered I told him before we were dating that I always wanted another pet after Bella. And he remembered!

Ten minutes later we were walking back home with my new black and white Kitten. Phil and I decided to name her Lysa.


"Remind me again what the hell I have to do," Punk asked for the tenth time. We were at our hotel room which was three blocks away from the arena were Night of Champions is being held. Daniel came to us earlier and agreed with the plan as long as we keep Brie safe. Phil opted to take her with them but I disagreed and just talked to her and she agreed to stay in her suite here with Nikki. So that was covered.

"You just have to go and help Dean rile up the rookies and just leave the rest to Paige and A.J." I said lacing up my combat boots,"I know that Triple H will have the ring surrounded, superstars and divas alike, so make sure the numbers are even." He nodded and slipped his track pants on.

"And where will you be?" He asked eyebrows raised. I slipped my trackpants on too and my sports bra.

"Raising ultimate hell," I smirked. He smirked back and put on his hoodie.

"When will we strike?" He questioned.

"Just wait for my signal," I answered putting on my hoodie.

"What's the signal?"

"Oh you'll know," I smirked.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2014 ⏰

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