Chapter Fifteen

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Mika's P.O.V

"Seth leave me alone," I pleaded trying to get him out of my room. Roman sat on the couch looking lazily at the both of us.

"Mika I don't think you should be doing this," Seth said concern etched across his face."This could be dangerous for all of us, you and Phil mostly. You two aren't exactly in rampage shape, we only have four men and three women against Triple H's entire roster ."

"Seth this is best for everyone, you haven't heard the entire plan as yet and besides I thought the Shield was supposed to be ruthless," I asked eyebrows raised.

"But this might cost us our careers," Seth pleaded,"Roman help me out here,"

"I agree with Mika," Roman started,"We could start a revolution that ensures our future," Seth started to protest and At the same time Dean came strolling in with A.J under his arm. We still look bruised from our TLC match two weeks ago but it is worth it.

"Dean, Dean.." Seth started. But Dean cut him off.

"Whatever it is I agree with Mika," Dean said wearily flopping down on my couch. After I won the title I got my own lockerroom, to say I am excited is an understatement.

"Why?" Seth asked,"You haven't even heard what she proposed."

"No I haven't but usually its always a good idea so I'll go with whatever it is," He said graciously accepting the water bottle A.J got for him. He pulled her into his lap and kissed her forehead.

"Please no PDA infront of us," Roman said jokingly covering his eyes.

"Why don't you say anything to Mika and Phil?" A.J asked eyebrows quirked in a playful manner.

"Because both of them have the ability to kill me and leave no trace," Roman said.

"Alright enough back to the matter at hand, Dean let me detail Mika's plan to you. First of all you do know that Daniel is facing Randy for the title right," Seth explained. Dean nodded to him gesturing for him to go on

"Well we have to help him win because you know the authority doesn't like him either. So Mika is suggesting that we hijack Night of Champions," Seth finished.

"And how do you propose we do that, Mika?" Dean asked quietly.

"We should lead an invasion of NXT rookies, Sami, Corey, Emma, Paige, Alexander, all the works," I said proudly,"But first I need to get my revenge on Triple H, he is predictable and lethal so we have to carefully plan this out to the T to ensure that maximum pain is inflicted,"

Dean got lost in deep thought. A.J was smiling I knew she thought this was the right thing to do. Seth looked at Dean expectantly. Even though they say that there is no leader, Dean is certainly the one who wields the most power when decision making

"Alright lets do it, It won't hurt and it might solidify our names and ones who shouldn't be messed with. Seth I'm shocked that you even protested. If this goes wrong, whats the worst that can happen? We can't get fired because our group consists of the biggest names right now. The most they can do is stack odds against us, which we always overcome," Dean said finally.

"Yeah Seth, what happened to the most dominant group in the company? The hounds? Seth we are supposed to be ruthless, look at what they've done to all of us. They harrassed Mika countless times that she ended up in the hospital, put Phil out of action, they broke his ARM for crying out loud, fined Dean $2000 for saving Emma from Damien, Had me beat up and on the shelf for five months and they made you champion and then had you defend it three times in the SAME night, you lost don't you remember. Overall revenge is what we really need," Roman said running his hands through his hair. Seth stayed quiet contemplating the situation. I just hope that we are right about all of this.

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