Chapter Eight

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Mika P.O.V

On friday, the company woke me up at four in the morning telling me to pack my bags because I have a flight to catch. If it weren't for Phil telling me he was going too I would've burned down the WWE Headquarters just for them waking me up so early. I need my beauty sleep and by time I was in the lobby I looked like the bride of Frankstein. I had some time left so I called Dean.

"Hey Fucktard," He answered the phone with a normal greeting.

"Good morning Fuckface, why are you so cheerful at five in the morning?" I asked

"I don't know, I just came in," He replied.

"Are you in chicago right now?" I asked, knowing that he was visiting grandma

"Yeah, I'm at the hotel then I'm gonna surprise gran," He answered chuckling.

"Can you please swing by my house and get my laptop and headphones for me, also my pills," I asked quietly.

"How could you forget your pills?" He asked in surprise. A noise sounded in the background.

"I don't know, I haven't had to use them in a long time, Just bring them for me please," I practically begged.

"Alright, see you on Monday Miks," He replied.

"Bye Mox," I said, hanging up the phone.

Phil picked me up and we headed for the airport. We drove in silence, I was half asleep by then. I had on a tank top and leggings which might have not beeen the best idea since its freezing cold in the terminal. Shivering I leaned towards Phil and snuggled into his shoulder trying to garner some heat. Instead he just took his jacket off and gave it to me. I accepted it wiht a grateful thanks. The hoodie smelled good, it smelled like him and I just buried my head in it. Twenty minutes later we boarded our flight to Los Angeles. Once on the plane I slipped in my earphones, tuned into some Black Veil Brides and caught up on the rest of my sleep.

Hours after I was awaken by Phil gently nudging me to get up because we were about to land. The lights came on in the craft and the stewardesses came around making sure everyone was properly seatbelted. We landed and had no problems with customs.  At the LAX we checked our bags out and met up with Cesaro and Cody.

"Why do you have so many suitcases." I asked Cody who had like four suitcases, unsual for men

"Becaus you never know who you might meet in Los Angeles," He replied wiping his eyes, none of us got much sleep.

"I'll make sure I tell Brandi," I cheeked at him.

"I mean celebrities, dumbass," Cody shot back chuckling. I laughed too and I took a look around at some of the persons we came with. John, Daniel, Kaitlyn, Eva, Kofi, Alberto, even Brock Lesnar, wow, this must be really important.

"Why don't you have alot of bags, women usually carry around alot of bags," Cesaro asked me while gesturing towards Eva Marie who had a shitload of luggage. Still wondering why she's here.

"They woke me up at four in the morning, you're lucky I even have clothes on," I replied sitting down on the bench next to Cody who was playing Angry Birds on his phone.

"We would be happier with you having no clothes one" spoke up Phil who I hadn't realised had left. He returned with four coffees and placed one into my hands which I gratefully accepted.

Taking a sip I replied. "I know you all would be glad to see me with no clothes on," I cheeked and Cesaro nodded like a school boy which made me laugh. I finished my coffee while Phil got us a cab to take us to the hotel which we were supposed to stay. I still don't know the purpose of this trip

The cab came to halt infront of a large, sophisticated looking Hotel. The company booked it for us in order for us to be there for Summerslam week, which starts on Sunday. I was informed by Vince via Phone call that for this whole week I was to do media appearances, which I really didn't like but I have to do. The price of challenging for a title.

My room was on the five floor, right next to Phil's and across from John. I entered and immediatedly ran towards the bed. I flopped down on it and I fell asleep instantly

Punk's P.O.V

Today me and Mika had to do an interview with some early morning show, just because we were in high profiled matches. I don't know why I agreed to this, maybe its just because Mika is going I guess. Mika, I don't know, maybe its the age difference, shes twenty eight,her birthday is next sunday, Summerslam, she'll turn 29, I'm turning 36 later this year, that's not a bad age difference. She's just a nice person. Fierce personality and even more ferocious in the ring. That's what I like, a girl that can wrestle, she has trained since she was 15. Stop Phil don't do this to yourself. 

I just threw on a Gracie shirt and black jeans on, don't feel like dressing up today, I stopped at Mika's room, just to make sure she's alive after yesterday, she didn't get much sleep. I knocked three times before I got a reply.

"Come in I'm almost ready." She said. I opened the door and went in and found the room in shambles. Clothes strewn everywhere, shoes all over the bed.

"Which hurricane passed through here?" I asked amused while she looked into her mirror applying makeup, which she didn't need.

"I wasn't finding anything to wear," She replied before standing straight, "What do you think?" She asked gesturing to what she had on. A floral strap dress which was clinched at the top, which made her boobs look even bigger, a brown belt was at her waist and beige pumps. I now realised how tall she was for a Diva.

"You look great," I replied giving her a once over.

"Thanks," She said picking up her phone and purse,"Lets go before they set Kane on us,"

"Yeah he'll chokeslam us," I laughed holding the door open for her. She walked into the hall and I closed the door behind us.

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