Chapter Fourteen

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I'd have to admit the crowd singing happy birthday for me was awesome but seeing the look on Phil's face when I came backstage really made my night. He ran to me, picked me up and spun me around.

"I knew you could do it," He whispered in my ears. I kissed him on the cheek

"Thanks for having faith in me," I replied.

"You finally accomplished your dream,"

"And tomorrow this title won't be around,"

"Why not?" He asked looking surprised.

"Because, some real changes will be made," I smiled. Before he could've replied. Paige, Seth, Roman, Dolph and Dean came rushing over here. Roman was hiding something behind his back and I became suspicious. Dean ran to A.J but  Paige came and hugged me tight turning my attention away from them.

"You did it," She shrieked jumping up and down, making her NXT title fall to the ground. Seth picked it up and dusted it off then handed it to her. She took it back and ruffled his hair a bit.

"Please don't kill her, because she hasn't even been champion an hour," Dolph joked. Paige smacked him on his head and he pouted. I chuckled. He pulled me into a hug. Roman just stood at the back smiling his head off.

"Roman why are you smiling like that?" I asked eyebrows raised. He simply continued smiling and pulled out a cake from his back. It was white with purple and pink frosting, twenty nine candles in a neat circle and adorned with roses at the side of it.

"For you," He smirked placing it on the nearest table.

"Thanks guys," I said.

"You deserve it," Dolph said.

"Who bought it?" I asked smiling at my awesome birthday cake.

"I did,"  said Dean who had his hand around a bruised A.J.

"This can't be true," I joked.

"Nope he actually did it," Dolph said.

"See I actually did something out of the kindness of my heart,"

"Oh please I bet someone made you do this," I snorted fixing my title on my shoulder.

"No....Yeah...It was mom and Aunt Maria," He sighed, shoulders slumping. A.J laughed at him and Paige shook her head in amusement.

"Mika you're bleeding," Phil said with concern wiping some of the blood away from my face,"You've got to go to the examiners room."

"Later, after your match," I said brushing it off. He looked like he was about to argue but Paige intervened.

"Anyway if she doesn't want to, she doesn't have to, she's a big girl now, so blow out your candles, anyone got a match?" Paige screeched.

Dolph took out his lighter and lit every candle. I looked at him questionably. He just shrugged

"Habit," He said simply, putting it back in his pocket.

"Make a wish darlin," Phil said cooling down.

I thought of what I wanted most in the world.

The lightbulb came on and I quickly blew out the candles.

"What did you wish for?"A.J asked quietly.

"Something really special,"I smiled.


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