I was so horribly awkward. She was so amazingly wonderful. And of course she only noticed me after she discovered my YouTube channel.
I honestly didn't expect anyone from school to stumble upon my channel. The account wasn't linked to any of the public accounts everyone knew. It was my little dark secret, and my silent cry for help.
Chloe was as graceful and beautiful as a rare butterfly, when she sashayed towards me in the parking lot after school.
I pulled the keys of my Honda Civic, ready to go home. I didn't expect Chloe to be coming for me personally, until she stood right in front of my face.
Chloe smiled and tilted her head, letting her long blonde hair flow below her waist. Her turquoise eyes gazed at my face and I heard a loud clang when the car keys slipped off my fingers to hit the concrete ground.
“Rey, right?” She sang.
I swallowed and nodded, bending over to get my keys, only to hit my head onto the side mirror.
Chloe giggled, touching her full lips with the tips of her fingers. “Sorry. You okay?”
Slowly standing up, I rubbed the top of my head. A small bump smarted under my touch. It didn't matter because it would heal in seconds, but my dignity was slightly dented.
“Fine,” I choked.
“Hi. I'm Chloe Sanders.” She gave me a small wave of her hand.
“I know.” I mumbled, looking down at my restless feet.
“Cool! So tell me, how'd you do it?” Chloe asked, raising a perfect eyebrow.
“Er! Do what?” I crossed my arms, leaning back on my car door.
“The tricks you do on YouTube.” Chloe shrugged, flipping her long hair to her back.
I stopped breathing, my body rigid. The muscles of my face twitched. “Oh! Um! W-What tricks?”
“Hey, It's OK.” She touched my shoulder lightly, scrunching her cute upturned nose. “I saw your videos on YouTube. It's pretty cool. I just couldn't figure out how you pulled off all the visual effects. Is it a hobby? ”
I swallowed, my mouth dry. Of all the people I didn't want to watch this, Chloe was on top of the list.
“Sort of.” I murmured, kicking the gravel with the tip of my sneaker. “I didn't expect anyone to watch it.”
“Well, it's awesome! The cuts and the blood. It looks so real!”
That's because it is real!
“Yeah… I guess.” I fidgeted, eyes darting around the empty parking lot. Chloe, my three-year crush, was talking to me for the first time, and I wanted to run away.
“Take me to your place,” Chloe demanded, showing me her pearly whites.
“What?!” My head snapped and I gaped at her.
“I just want to see your studio.” She shrugged, her eyes sparkling with masked excitement.
“But I… I don't have a studio. It's just,” I rubbed the curls on the back of my neck. “Just my room.”
“I don't mind.” Chloe beamed. ”So, well you invite me to your house and show me how you work?”
I drew a sharp breath, glancing at her smile, the eager gleam in her eyes, and the way she twirled her long locks of sunshine. It was a dream about to change into a nightmare, but I wanted to take the chance. It might not come again.

One Shots & Contest Entries
Short StoryJust my attempts at being an active Wattpad citizen :D *My contest entries*